• We also discussed the fact that Russia has cooperated with us on critical issues to our national security like Iran sanctions, transit to supply our troops in Afghanistan, working on securing loose nuclear materials.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with General Colin Powell

  • But I would tell Bush that all he has to do is to stay nice and loose, working Gore in a rope-a-dope sort of way, mocking him lightly, and wait for one of those openings that can produce a fatal sound-bite -- something along the lines of Lloyd Bentsen's line in 1988: "I knew John Kennedy, and you're no John Kennedy!"

    CNN: Lance Morrow: Why Ralph and Pat should be in the debates

  • In his recent testimony before Congress, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke indicated his loose monetary policy is working citing strength in the housing and auto industry.

    FORBES: With Detroit In A Financial Emergency, Automakers Have Record February Sales

  • Microsoft is working with the FBI to find out how the code got loose and who was responsible.

    BBC: NEWS | Technology | Microsoft targets source pirates

  • The US might argue that its vetting to this end is working: non-Islamist units of the Free Syrian Army, a loose network of rebel groups, seem to be the major beneficiaries so far.

    BBC: Analysis: US Syria strategy aims to salvage reputation

  • With his loose lips, low productivity, failure to produce, expensive nothingness, Caribbean Island working days, Ireland working days, hiking working days, sitting at home working days, and lack of being in touch of reality .

    FORBES: What Windows 8 Means To Microsoft Stock

  • He has focused very aggressively the fight against al Qaeda, as you know, and he has focused and his entire administration has focused on working with the 50 nations who are a party of the summit on the issue of securing loose nuclear materials and preventing them from getting into the hands of terrorists.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • But, for now, the loose coalition of opposition politicians and civic groups which helped to oust Mr Aristide vows to continue working with Mr Latortue.

    ECONOMIST: Haiti

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