• I'm working for the people of Utah and I have their full support.

    CNN: Why I sleep soundly in my cot

  • "Obama is working for the people just like Chavez, " said Gomez Darwin, 42, stood under a huge Che Guevara mural in a primarily Chavez-supporting Caracas barrio.

    CNN: Obama finds support among Chavez faithful in Caracas

  • The Repeal Amendment would provide a check on the ever-expanding federal government, protect against Congressional overreach, and get the government working for the people again, not the other way around.

    FORBES: The Lobbyist Retirement & Security Act of 2011

  • And I very much appreciate the efforts that President Mills has taken not only to ensure fair and free elections, but also to root out corruption, increase transparency, make sure that government is working for the people of Ghana and not just for the few.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with President Mills of Ghana | The White House

  • Not only will increased unemployment benefits not stimulate the economy, they will at the same time lower the incentives for people to work by reducing the amount people are paid for working and increasing the amount people are paid for not working.

    WSJ: Arthur B. Laffer: Unemployment Benefits Aren't Stimulus

  • So the American -- so the President believes -- again, because he will put forward proposals that we believe should have bipartisan support, that faced with that imperative -- because everyone here is working for the American people, and the members of Congress, like the President, were elected by the American people -- will do the right thing and actually focus on the issues that matter, which -- the economy and jobs.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And whether it's my cabinet or it is the lowest federal civil servant out there, I want them to understand they are working for the American people, to help the American people achieve their dreams.

    CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate

  • Redistribution taking from those that have produced and accumulated wealth to give to working people and the middle class, to achieve more equal results for society overall, could never remotely produce the dramatic gains for working people and the middle class as economic growth has, and can in the future, if only we would let it rip.

    FORBES: Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All

  • Now, where both sides say they agree is that the status quo is not working for the American people.

    WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward on Health Care Reform

  • These are the six strategies that represent the biggest opportunity to boost performance and get government working for the American people.

    WHITEHOUSE: "Doing What Works" Transcript

  • They are truly committed to getting government working for the American people.

    WHITEHOUSE: "Doing What Works" Transcript

  • These agencies can now get back to working for the American people.

    WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

  • When asked if the lack of Republican support was at least partly her fault, she gave some snotty answer about not being partisan but working for the American people.

    CNN: Commentary: You can blame Pelosi for Democrats' stumbles

  • These are the breaks for "folks who make less" that have been adopted over the last 30 years to bring us to the point where federal income taxes have been abolished for the working poor and what some people term the working class, and almost abolished them for the middle class.

    FORBES: How Obama Misled Joe The Plumber

  • This is because the people who own the companies do not have a say about how it works, and neither do the people working for the companies.

    FORBES: Capitalism, After The Election

  • Rick Santorum has a lot going for him, most especially a deep identification with and caring for the working class, for the displaced and unempowered people who once worked in steel mills and factories and have seen it all go away.

    WSJ: Romney Wins but Takes a Beating

  • But the U.S. economy is producing squat in the way of working-class jobs, and inflation-adjusted income for working people has been sliding mostly sideways for the better part of 30 years.

    FORBES: Wal-Mart's Cheaper Cousin Is A Buy

  • The number of people working for the government has burgeoned from 16, 000 to 90, 000 during Correa's current term, Ecuador's nongovernmental Observatory of Fiscal Policy said in a December report.

    NPR: Ecuador Leader Heavily Favored To Win Re-Election

  • Though the number of people working for the government fell by 6.4% between April 2010 and April 2012, the government public pay bill (central and local) actually rose by 2%.

    BBC: Public sector jobs are well down, so why is the pay bill up?

  • And their confidence in me also allowed me to fight for the working people across this country as Democratic leader for 13 years.

    CNN: Gephardt: 'Never give up, never give in'

  • By the time the Labour came to power in 1997, many commentators claimed that the party had abandoned its traditional concerns for working people and the poor and had adopted instead the Thatcherite priorities of limited welfare spending and individual responsibility.

    BBC: Unit 4: Political issues

  • Writing and working for the throngs of people who visit this site every day has been a huge challenge, a learning experience, and just kind of awe-inspiring.

    ENGADGET: Hello, I must be going

  • "I am working flat out for the people I represent, " he told the paper, pointing out that he spent Monday to Thursday in London and Friday and Saturday in the North East on ministerial and constituency business, before returning to London on Sunday.

    BBC: Party whips face expenses focus

  • But I know that whether you all have worked here for decades or for days, you've been working very hard for the American people, and one of my primary reasons for being here is to express on behalf of not just myself and my family and the President, but the entire nation, our gratitude for the service that you have put in.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • The senior UK government figures said the UK was a "deeply integrated" single domestic market with a large percentage of Scottish exports being done with the rest of the UK and thousands of people working for the same companies across borders.

    BBC: pound coins and notes

  • It is entirely my way or the highway, and if the Republicans refuse to do everything exactly as he demands, he will let the Bush tax cuts expire entirely, for the middle class and working people as well as the upper incomes, and blame the Republicans for refusing to go along with him, and for the economic results.

    FORBES: Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts

  • You know, I've been going to town halls all over America, and I see the people out there, thousands of them who come to hear me, and they're nervous about immigration, and for the reasons that the economy isn't working for people.

    CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate

  • If one can find a central theme of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and its offshoots scattered around the country, it would be this: American capitalism is working for 1% of the people, but the other 99% are out of luck.

    FORBES: Let's Redistribute The Wealth, But How?

  • Jobs in the public sector also increased by 110 in the year with 6, 840 people working for the government in December.

    BBC: Jersey unemployment reaches 'highest level for decades'

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