• The combination of lots of documents, lots of authors and e-mail that made it easy to send copies of files to co-workers was creating real problems for staff trying to work together.

    BBC: NEWS | Technology | Document deluge threatens firms

  • In addition to your personal tool kit, you'll have software that can knit together your apps with the services offered by companies, saving work for you and creating business for them all in real time.

    WSJ: The Customer as a God: The Future of Shopping

  • But rather than refight old partisan battles by starting over on health care and repealing basic protections that provide security for the middle class, Congress needs to work together to focus on the economy and creating jobs.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Macri said Wednesday that the only solution is for the constantly warring governments to work together on expensive and long-term public works projects, creating huge underground drainage pipes to carry increasingly common torrential rains out to the Rio de la Plata.

    NPR: Argentina: Flooding From Torrential Rains Kill 52

  • Thus, the cloud and endpoint work together, creating the most efficient means of gathering data, doing computational work, sending information, and preparing data for users to look at, listen to, and even feel.

    FORBES: The Case For Endpoints

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