• That means building futuristic structures that use wastewater and solar power to produce hydroponic (grown in a nutrient-rich water, without soil) and aeroponic (grown in water-saturated air) crops.

    FORBES: Skyscraper Farms: A Name To Know In 2011

  • So, why would the Pakistani government endure the embarrassment and charges of incompetency that have come with appearing not to know the U.S. was conducting a raid on their soil without permission?

    FORBES: Pakistan Military Knew About Bin Laden Raid Well In Advance Of Attack

  • The concept: When crops are planted without tilling, the soil holds more carbon, which means less goes up into the atmosphere.

    NPR: Can Dirt Really Save Us From Global Warming?

  • On tiny plots, and often poor-quality soil, without modern equipment or farming methods, and sometimes beset by land disputes, many peasant farmers struggle to feed their family and grow just a little extra to sell in the village market.

    ECONOMIST: The problems of plugging a square economy into a round world

  • German farmers seem uninterested in tilling poor Polish soil anyway, especially without subsidies.

    ECONOMIST: Polish land

  • Without formally pledging to defend Albania's soil, the alliance could help Albania's own border-monitoring efforts through aerial surveillance.

    ECONOMIST: Why Albania feels lonely

  • Once, he recalls, an environmental inspector claimed that AES had stored rock and soil it had removed from its mine without proper authorization.

    FORBES: Power Putsch

  • It looked at vegetables such as carrots, lettuce and spring onions which were grown close to or in contact with the soil and which were sold to be consumed without any further cooking or preparation other than light washing or scraping.

    BBC: Carrots

  • But it is far from clear that the president has the authority, as he claims, to let them do so without a warrant when one of the eavesdropped parties is on American soil.

    ECONOMIST: The presidency

  • It added that the Italian president "hoped to provide a solution to an affair considered by the United States to be without precedent because of the conviction of a US military officer of Nato for deeds committed on Italian soil".

    BBC: Italy Abu Omar rendition: Col Romano pardoned in CIA case

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