• Yelp generates revenue mainly from local business advertising, display advertising and from additional services like Yelp deals, and deals with reservation services like OpenTable.

    FORBES: Yelp Sustains Rally After Short Squeeze Though Fundamentals Look Stretched

  • And so with some reservation, Mayer presses the button to make his project live.

    FORBES: Diary of a Mad Entrepreneur and His 6-Figure Kickstarter Launch

  • First, Britain agreed last December to the principle of savings-tax measures, albeit with a reservation about Eurobonds.

    ECONOMIST: Europe

  • With hindsight, should the Finucane family have taken the inquiry offered by Tony Blair, albeit with the reservation that they would walk away should ministers interfere?

    BBC: Paterson grabs moral high ground

  • This man had heart surgery, and shortly afterward had been dropped off at the curb to buy a ticket with no reservation to fly to New Orleans alone.

    FORBES: Black Friday Put In Perspective by Christmas Man

  • The 2009 and 2010 IRS promises of greater flexibility for those with collection issues have proven illusory and one must now take the new announcement with some reservation.

    FORBES: IRS Easing Up on Liens

  • Phillip Baumel says the river could get by with small, much cheaper fixes like extending lock guide walls or replacing the first- come, first-served system with a reservation system to relieve congestion.

    FORBES: A river of subsidies

  • Iowa State University economist Philip Baumel says the river, could get by with small fixes like extending lock chamber walls or replacing the first-come-first- serve system with a reservation system to relieve congestion.

    FORBES: A river of subsidies

  • Items found in the same area Saturday were confirmed to have come from the jet, including pieces of the aircraft's wing section, luggage and a leather briefcase containing an airplane ticket with a reservation code for the doomed flight, Brazilian air force spokesman Jorge Amaral said.

    CNN: More bodies found from Air France crash

  • Although archaeoseismology (the study of ancient earthquakes through indicators left in the archaeological record) has a lineage that extends back to the pioneering excavations of Schliemann at Troy, Evans at Knossos and Schaeffer at Ugarit in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it is essentially a young and burgeoning discipline that has met with much reservation from some earthquake scientists.

    UNESCO: Tales set in Stone: learning from ancient earthquakes

  • The perks it offers diners comes in the form of dining points that diners accrue with each honored reservation they make on OpenTable.

    FORBES: Groupon Acquires Savored, Should OpenTable Be Concerned?

  • Vlassopulos: La Quinta has an app that allows you to make a reservation with just your phone number (without filling out a bunch of information).

    FORBES: How To Advertise Without Really Advertising On Mobile Devices

  • OpenTable ventured across the Atlantic with its Electronic Reservation Book product offering for restaurants in the U.K. in 2004, and followed up by setting shop in Japan and Germany in 2006 and 2007 respectively.

    FORBES: OpenTable Would Be Worth $70 If You Ignored Its International Business

  • OpenTable remains the undisputed leader in online-restaurant reservation industry, with nearly 50% of all full-service, reservation-taking restaurants in North America enrolled as its customers.

    FORBES: OpenTable's Worth $54: New Index Opens Potential Revenue Channels

  • Anyone without a reservation or with a day trip ticket was being advised not to show up as the priority would be to clear those people who were meant to travel over the weekend.

    BBC: Traffic jam

  • If you don't mind staying in the same chain each place, try negotiating with that chain's reservation center, he says.

    CNN: Money-saving ideas for Major League junkies

  • The airline botched its transition to a new computer reservation system and battled with several of its labor unions.

    FORBES: Follow-Through

  • And in Hong Kong and Japan there is still a reservation system in place with no shipping dates on the websites.

    FORBES: Apple's iPhone 5 Web Site Lead Times Down to 1 Week

  • Authentication management is a hassle, with complexities that don't immediately come to the forethought when somebody signs up for Evernote, or takes Outlook email for a spin, or impulsively signs up with OpenTable to make a dinner reservation.

    ENGADGET: Editorial: Countering ID theft requires better awareness campaigns

  • As the biggest player in the online restaurant reservation industry in North America, OpenTable has a significant competitive advantage with more than 13, 000 of the estimated 30, 000 reservation-taking full-service restaurants in North America as its customers.

    FORBES: Take A Chair Before The Music Stops At OpenTable

  • With reserved instances, companies pay a reservation fee for an instance up front and a much lower hourly rate for use of that instance.

    FORBES: 3 Amazon Cloud Myths Dispelled

  • His professional career began with the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Browning, Montana as a Soil Conservationist working with Indian livestock producers on the Blackfeet Reservation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Ross racine | The White House

  • As I said, when things go bad, you need someone in your corner to advocate for you, someone with both knowledge and access to the reservation systems, and you certainly cannot count on the airlines, even if you are a loyal longtime regular customer.

    FORBES: Hurricane Sandy's Lesson to Travelers: Use A Travel Agent

  • Emergency crews were working Thursday to reach isolated tribal members near the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation to get help to those with medical needs, such as dialysis.

    NPR: Severe Storms Sock Midwest, Push East; 2 Dead

  • As frequent fliers know all too well, the salvation for most airlines has been to stick passengers with fees, and lots of them: reservation changes, bags, food, movies, headsets, you name it.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Legal precedent for this was set in 1977, when the Mescalero Apache Tribe of New Mexico, seeking to replace dwindling timber harvesting revenues from their 185, 000-hectare reservation, began selling hunting licenses with terms more liberal than the state's.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Legal precedent for this was set in 1977, when the Mescalero Apache Tribe of New Mexico, seeking to replace dwindling timber harvesting revenues from their 460, 000-acre reservation, began selling hunting licenses with terms more liberal than the state's.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Musk said the expansion of available spots with connections should eliminate the need for an elaborate reservation system for the Superchargers.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Once a rental reservation is verified, the car, with a key inside, automatically unlocks and the renter can drive away, without having to wait in line or interact with an agent.

    WSJ: The Rise of the Rent-a-Porsche

  • The accord also opens the door to negotiations with the state and counties over Mohawk land claims near their reservation along the Canadian border.

    WSJ: Cuomo, Mohawk leaders sign casino pact

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