• The historic co-op retains much of its turn-of-the-century detailing, including leaded windows, a multi-paned picture window, dark paneled walls, oak doors and original cage elevator.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The words were there somewhere, behind blurred window glass, in dark corners, as long as he could remember what he was searching for.

    ECONOMIST: Tom DeBaggio

  • Bartholomew stood by the window, watching another dusk becoming dark, wishing there was not now, unknown to her, a gulf between them.

    NEWYORKER: Faith

  • McNealy was a few minutes late, so I looked out the window and watched him swing his dark blue Cadillac Seville into the parking lot.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

  • Outside my window, the snow swirled and sparkled in the dark.

    WSJ: Traveler's Tale: On the Road Again, and Again, So Help Me

  • Looking west from our bedroom's rear window we could sometimes see inland as far as the dark treeline of the Watchungs, a low-lying mountain range fringed by great estates and affluent, sparsely populated suburbs, the extreme edge of the known world and about eight miles from our house.

    NPR: Roth Rewrites History with a 'Plot Against America'

  • The baby had been either murdered or killed accidentally after being snatched from his crib and, in the dark, still in bedclothes, carried out a window of the second-story nursery and down a makeshift ladder to the ground while the nurse and mother were occupied in their ordinary evening activities in another part of the house.

    NPR: Roth Rewrites History with a 'Plot Against America'

  • As winter settled deep into the dark flesh of the barks and branches shielding sunlight away from my window, the one thing I kept thinking about was where do people go to recover?

    FORBES: On the Mend: Lessons From the Road to Recovery

  • And so the other night, I drove by the window of the local KFC and ordered a three-piece chicken meal, all dark, original recipe, with coleslaw, beans and a root beer.

    FORBES: Lowest Inflation Since 1957 - Are You Kidding Me?

  • He helps produce about 60 varieties, starting with a dark green bud called "Mighty Mite, " a plant for urban window boxes that grows to the size and shape of a corn dog.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Fearing someone had entered the home through the open bathroom window, Pistorius grabbed his 9mm pistol from under the bed, moved in the dark on the stumps of his amputated legs and yelled at what he thought was the intruder to get out.

    CNN: Prosecution argues against bail in Pistorius case

  • Not long ago I drove by the window of the local KFC and ordered a three-piece Kentucky Fried Chicken meal, all dark, original recipe, with coleslaw, beans and a root beer.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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