• Parties with strong cases are generally more willing to settle, while parties with weak cases are apt to gamble by going to court.

    WSJ: Best of the Web Today: The Other Obesity Problem

  • It can be revived as long as both parties are willing to stick it out.

    FORBES: The Cougar Relationship: Making It Work

  • It sounds like we need to hear whether the U.S. is willing to bring the parties together.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • They fall on the parties most willing or desperate to participate in the vast credit network.

    FORBES: DOJ Suit Against Amex Pits Consumers Against Merchants

  • The only way to reduce the risk that this effort will again falter because of politics is if members of both parties are willing to take responsibility for solving this problem once and for all.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

  • But there is still time to do something significant if all parties are willing to compromise -- because the parameters of what that might look like are well known, especially to the participants in the negotiations the President oversaw last week.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The President continues to believe and I think the team continues to believe that we are in the midst of very serious direct talks, that both parties seem willing to engage in very frank discussions, and that we are slowly but surely making progress.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Add this to the fact that whereas in 1970 the percentage of the electorate that was retired was 9%, compered to a projected 21% by 2001, and the issue of older voters and what the political parties were willing to do to win their support could well be here to stay.

    BBC: Going for grey

  • Will the President also talk about the limitations as long as the leaders of the conflict parties are not willing to move in their positions, than even the (inaudible)?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And all parties should be willing to accept it.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Ongoing Response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill | The White House

  • The upshot is a primary in which all registered electors will be able to vote, providing they are not members of opposition parties and are willing to sign a declaration of support for the coalition's guiding principles.

    ECONOMIST: Consternation

  • Votes from Catholic believers seem to be distributed over the three main competitors (Bersani's Democratic Party, Berlusconi's People of Freedom and Monti's coalition) and uncertainty over their reactions might exacerbate the tones of the campaign, now in its two last weeks, since the three parties might be willing to appease as many Catholics as possible.

    CNN: Will 'city of two popes' boost Italian economy?

  • He's willing to take on leaders of both parties to make a point.

    CNN: New leader of the GOP: Rand Paul

  • And none of the parties in the dispute were willing to consider the possibility that either view might be able to accommodate acceptance of the other.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Against that background, both parties need to be far more willing to think the unthinkable.

    ECONOMIST: The presidential campaign

  • Her new position raises many questions: Is Bhutto, who leads the largest party, now willing to join Pakistan's other opposition parties in a unified stance against Musharraf?

    NPR: Bhutto Again Under House Arrest

  • Now the fighting began, and Captain Wake showed herself more than willing to take part, readily joining raiding parties, blowing up local Gestapo headquarters and ambushing German patrols.

    ECONOMIST: Nancy Wake

  • What has to happen is that the leaders of both parties in both houses have to be willing to do the right thing for the country -- not the party, not a narrow band of constituents, but for the country.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • After a census, a commission in each state entertains proposals from the political parties and any do-gooder group or individual willing to compete.

    FORBES: DIY Democracy

  • What the President is willing to do is well known to the leaders of Congress of both parties.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • "Whilst, in light of IFA's recent correspondence, LFC has been left with no option but to refer this matter to its lawyers, the club confirms that it is willing and ready to explore and find a negotiated solution to the satisfaction of all parties, " they said.

    BBC: SPORT | Football | Irish | Linfield blast IFA over Windsor

  • That is what the American people expect, that we are willing to compromise, that we are willing to get outside of our comfort zone, that we are willing to accept cuts that we would traditionally not want to, that we are willing to look at everything that's being put on the table by all parties.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Egypt was the country that initiated the peace process, and we remain most willing and determined to do all we can to help bridge the gaps and restore confidence between the parties.

    CNN: Transcript: Clinton, Mubarak news conference

  • After all, Russian oligarchs are quite fond of flying in Hollywood A-listers (and sometimes C-listers) for private parties, and the list of musicians, movie stars, and entertainers who have been willing to perform in Russia massively exceeds the list of those who have refused.

    FORBES: Mark Knopfler! How Many Divisions Has He Got?

  • The parties agreed the royalty should be determined based on a hypothetical bargain that would have been struck between a willing licensor and a willing licensee, but they disagreed on whether the royalty should be based on a 1982 bargain or a 2002 bargain.

    FORBES: Court Slaps EMI, Men At Work For Copying From Children's Song

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