• The future of tax rates depends on whether legislative compromises can be reached to extend all or some of the current rates or perhaps even to achieve a reform of the tax code.

    FORBES: Year-End Tax Planning Tips For Stock Options And Restricted Stock

  • "It's unclear whether the USPS has the legislative authority to take such actions on its own, but the alternative is the status quo until it is completely cash starved, " James O'Rourke, a professor of management at the University of Notre Dame, told the Associated Press.

    BBC: US Postal Service to end Saturday letter delivery

  • The big question is whether he will be able to score any legislative victories before the August recess.

    CNN: Kelly Wallace is a CNN White House correspondent.

  • The Republican, who hasn't yet indicated whether he supports the measures, has three legislative days to act on the bills.

    NPR: Rallies Held To Protest ND Anti-Abortion Measures

  • Lawmakers in both parties said they needed to see a specific legislative plan before they could say whether Congress will push significant changes to what the Bush administration proposes.

    CNN: Bush to highlight arrest of 'dirty bomb' suspect

  • The royal commission examining the future of the Lords is bound to concentrate on the higher-profile questions of what powers the second legislative chamber should have, and whether its members should be elected or appointed.

    ECONOMIST: The law: Judging the judges | The

  • The question now, of course, is what will happen on the legislative side of this issue, whether or not Congress will now - presuming that the president vetoes this bill, the House bill - whether or not Congress will essentially pass another bill that will give General Petraeus the money that presumably he'll need to continue this new security plan.

    NPR: Gen. Petraeus Sees 'Vastly More Work' to Do in Iraq

  • Whether the greatest problem emerges from the Russian executive or legislative branches, there should be little doubt that the United States and its allies will shortly be confronted with a slew of serious new challenges from Moscow -- and must adjust its policies and personnel accordingly.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • And, two, they wanted it to have measures -- they wanted it to be filled with measures that had traditionally enjoyed bipartisan support, or the kinds of measures that had -- which I think goes to the whole argument about whether or not this was a political exercise or a legislative exercise.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • In the meantime, all three branches of government legislative, executive and judicial are wondering whether they really were spied on, by whom and for what purpose.

    ECONOMIST: The top spooks eavesdropped on the top court

  • Yet we obsesses over whether the GDP is growing or shrinking by one or two percent, demanding legislative action to fix it.

    FORBES: The Fundamental Fallacies Of Macroeconomics

  • The skilled politician and speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has made guarantees of universal support the determining factor in whether he will accept the post.

    CNN: Palestinian PM nominee is skilled negotiator

  • Whether Obama's plea is taken as an effective tactic that will help spur legislative action or is seen as a cheap, emotional ploy designed to push through a one-sided agenda depends on where you fall in the debate, political experts say.

    CNN: Obama's emotional plea might lead to vote on guns

  • The government says it is keeping an open mind on whether the goal of reining in excessive pay can best be achieved through new guidelines or legislative changes.

    BBC: 'Fat cat' pay proposals: At a glance

  • First, on March 26, the Standing Committee decided on its own to intervene in the question of whether and how changes to the methods of selecting the Hong Kong Chief Executive and forming the Legislative Council could be made.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • With his tongue planted in his cheek earlier this week my colleague Vaughan Roderick wondered out loud whether the sudden appearance of the Tardis in the Senedd was a sign that the government's legislative programme was bigger on the inside than on the outside?

    BBC: Activity? Yes...behind the scenes

  • It leaves the decision whether to use further borrowing, cost-cutting or new taxes to pay it clearly in the hands of the legislative branch.

    FORBES: Four Questions For Obama's 14th Amendment Courtiers

  • The open question is whether we have the will, as this requires stronger direction from the White House and OMB to federal agencies and legislative action by Congress.

    FORBES: Connect

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