• As a result, the package caretakers were ushered off stage to make way for more celebration and entertainment, asked kindly to return to the stage later with a summary of what its contents reveal.

    FORBES: Norway's 100-Year-Old Mystery Package Opened: Guess What Was Inside

  • One has to wonder if we will reach a time -- just like we did with food -- in which we'll need to think about the contents of what we're consuming.

    ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Digital junk food

  • So this is not a book review, just an observation, based on the wall-to-wall reporting on the contents of What Happened and the post-publication public statements of its author: With all due respect, I think Peggy Noonan is wrong.


  • Each exhibit can be launched into a new window and then you are free to interact with the contents and discover what is inside.

    BBC: Webscape

  • To begin with we all felt that she'd been mugged or she'd been attacked or some such sort because she always carries a black bag with her and she'd got no black bag with her, and the contents of perhaps what would have been in her bag were all sort of thrown all around her body.


  • You will also need to make sure that your insurances are all up to date and that you understand who is responsible for what when it comes to buildings and contents cover between you, your lender and your tenant.

    BBC: Fergus Muirhead

  • The recommended contents inform a new user on what to expect from the network and also what are expected from his contributions.

    FORBES: On Take-off Runway With A Chance of Runaway Growth: A Case of Social Products

  • What makes the PIP implants particularly difficult to assess is that their contents may vary by country, possibly leading to different rates of rupture.

    WSJ: Breast-Implant Risk Remains a Fluid Question

  • What remained to be seen was whether the breath's metabolic contents varied enough between people - and varied little enough within an individual - to be diagnostic - to act as a real and repeatable "breathprint".

    BBC: Exhaled breath is unique fingerprint

  • Given Apple's early lead in wireless networking using the Wi-Fi standard, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to see Apple creating what is essentially a touch-sensitive screen that can display the contents of any computer it is connected to.

    FORBES: Apple Gooses IBook Speeds

  • This instructs a web-browser how to lay out the contents of a page, but does not tell the computer what the page is describing.

    ECONOMIST: The future: Tomorrow’s Internet | The

  • So what's happened since last week's post, flagging up and analysing the contents of documents obtained through subterfuge from the leading US climate sceptic lobby group?

    BBC: Confessions of a climate gate-opener

  • What is evident by the McChrystal recommendation (and by the apparent need to leak its contents, stemming no doubt from frustration with the White House stall) is that there is good reason to be concerned that the president's failure to make a prompt decision may in and of itself impair our ability to succeed.

    BBC: US in Afghanistan failure warning

  • And again, without prescribing the contents of that deal, which is only a one-year deal, what I think is irrefutable is that no single-year fiscal deal is going to resolve the long-term debt issues that face us in terms of entitlements, tax expenditures, defense spending, and all the major drivers of long-term debt that have to be addressed.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • He was reluctant to discuss its contents, for fear of jeopardizing its acceptance, but he did indicate that it contained what he considered to be a breakthrough.

    NEWYORKER: Stung

  • "While it's possible to fetch the contents of all those files, I'll leave it to someone else to decide what files should be grabbed and which are going to be boring, " he wrote.

    CNN: 'No permission' Android apps can see and share your data

  • The contents of the speeches are kept secret, and media outlets are asked to embargo stories on what was presented until noon the following day.

    FORBES: Wall Street

  • It's not: what it does is place the device into writing mode, snapping a shot of the screen's contents and letting you jot down whatever mumbo jumbo pops into your head.

    ENGADGET: LG Optimus Vu review: a 5-inch, pen-enabled phone to take on the Galaxy Note

  • While it's not known what Francis and his predecessor will discuss, Vatican observers believe that one item on the agenda will be the contents of a 300-page report presented by three cardinals to Benedict in the wake of the so-called Vatileaks scandal.

    CNN: New pope, old pope meet for lunch

  • Exactly what that copper content is is debatable: various sites give brass or bronze as the alloy and with different copper contents.

    FORBES: The Pakistani 1 Rupee Coin Is Worth More Than 1 Rs

  • Like the kebab in the window, processors could sell what they like as long as their packaging shows the factories - the snapshots of giant, quivering piles of the contents, without pictures of salads, breadcrumb coatings and barbecues.

    BBC: Cheeseburger

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