It's been an absolute pleasure watching you vie for the 2008 Henry Blodget Award.
Prolific shoplifters in Cambridgeshire are receiving hand-delivered postcards from the police, warning "we're watching you".
And we are watching you and continue to be inspired by your extraordinary work.
Some said it felt like sitting in the middle of a room with everyone watching you.
London (Financial Times) -- US finance chiefs beware: accountancy's answer to RoboCop will soon be watching you.
Don't freak out or anything, but those wireless signals you bask in everyday could be watching you.
ENGADGET: Researchers create Amazing X-Ray Wireless Network!
You got your own private--take a bath without anybody watching you, you know.
NPR: Delays Plague Distribution of Trailers to Rita Homeless
Mr. TRAINOR: (Singing) ...and you might see me and never notice in my eyes that I've been watching you and wantin' you.
It is just me, but I imagine if you have a hungry brood watching you that hour or so can be tough.
Your TV will be watching you as much as you watch it.
FORBES: TV In 2031: Your Remote Gets Zapped, Homer Simpson Drinks Your Beer
It can feel like everybody is watching you and expecting immediate results.
"It's not like Big Blue is watching you, " says Rebecca Swanick, a marketing director at IBM's Rational software division, who uses the technology at trade shows.
That crafty mid-level manager has been watching you over your work-cellphone for awhile now, so it's probably best to resist the urge to head over to O-Malleys for a quick tipple.
Wikipedia white-washers beware: Virgil Griffith is watching you.
Many, many men and women are going to feel the pride that I feel in watching you shortly, watching you sign this bill, knowing that their work -- their work has helped make this day possible.
But then you notice the shadowy purple figure seated in the background: a reflection, in the mirror, of Bonnard himself, a sort of omniscient voyeur, watching you watch his wife, whose sewing now looks more like a compulsion than a pastime.
"You sit in your house watching TV, but you're not even watching it, you're dreaming about scoring, " he told BBC Radio Cumbria.
BBC: Underdogs Barrow eye Stevenage upset in FA Trophy final
Naturally, once enabled, that sharing is also enabled across your various Netflix-ready devices, letting you see what individual friends have been watching (and letting them see what you've been watching, although you can choose to not share specific titles).
What we're watching: If you're not watching Day Break, you should be.
What you feel, watching Close, is not that you are watching gender being bent into new, absorbing shapes but that you might as well have stayed home and leafed through a book on Magritte.
Depending on what you're watching, you may also see trivia from IMDB or links to players' stats.
When you pause the cinematic masterpiece you're currently watching, you'll notice some Google Now-like cards pop up on the side of the screen that are filled with information about the actors, actresses, the movie itself or even the soundtrack.
ENGADGET: Google adds info cards to Play Movies, helps you become a trivia wizard
Who cares what you call it, though, watching what you own lose money sucks, plain and simple.
In actual use, if you are watching something and you have a sudden burst of inspiration, all you need to do is hold the pen to the screen, and after a short wait the TV grabs a shot of the screen, much like taking a screenshot on a smartphone.
You think you're watching a story you know, but you don't.
WSJ: Gathering for Downton Abbey Divas, Hosted by Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter
And some of you have been watching television and you know that the other side is not short on funds, they are not short on resources.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Tampa, FL
And remember, FlipShare has to be running and streaming video over the dongle the entire time you're using the set-top, so a lower-powered machine might feel the strain -- and if your computer goes to sleep, hangs, or crashes while you're watching the FlipShare, well, you won't be watching it any more.
Not someone who was there watching while you were being damaged and he wasn't helping.
Tony Hart - strut your stuff for the younger kids, too, they love watching what you do.