Throughout the crisis, the Netherlands has been one of the most vociferous supporters of that policy.
Lee expected audiences to embrace the show, but admits she's surprised by the vociferous response.
Bogle, 81, is retired from management but is as vociferous as ever an evangelist for cost-cutting.
Vociferous groups, both on the left and the right, are still fighting a rearguard action.
In Mr Murr's home district, for example, vociferous critics won two of the eight seats.
The Dadaists were a vociferous crew relishing wild shock tactics in art and life.
In some places this sparked vociferous campaigns by groups who fear their local hospitals will lose services.
Mihajlovic and his team is likely to encounter a similarly vociferous atmosphere at the Maksimir Stadium on Friday.
Despite vociferous opposition, by next year every sheep in Scotland will have to have an electronic ear tag.
Mr Yudhoyono may believe that he is avoiding conflict by appeasing the country's vociferous but unrepresentative radical Islamist fringe.
ECONOMIST: Religious freedom is put at risk by political expediency
There is a very vociferous 'No' campaign to HS2 which is extremely well-funded.
Although critics generally accept the long-term validity of ratings, there has been vociferous criticism of the agencies' short-term performance.
Vociferous Israeli groups, both on the left and the right, are still fighting a rearguard action against the plan.
Others who are less vociferous or more nuanced continue to push the envelope.
Infuriated right-wingers, including Justice Antonin Scalia in a vociferous dissent, greeted all this as an assault on states' rights.
Not just vociferous, it was also a sustained reaction, in part because there are many parts to the story.
FORBES: The Marissa Mayer Saga: What Yahoo! Seems To Have Learned From Playboy's Christie Hefner
But I have not noticed in the intervening weeks anything less than pretty vociferous comments about our fiscal situation.
The archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, has warned that Mr. Cuomo would face "vociferous" opposition from the archdiocese.
If we do that, even our most vociferous opponents will say 'how on earth did they manage to do that?
So there will certainly be a vociferous and - one can predict with almost certainty - a very difficult opposition.
Despite this mishandling, we believe that the vociferous complaints might not reflect the sentiments of the broader Netflix customer base.
The result is, there is now a vociferous group of shale-gas (and oil) enthusiasts who have created a mini-bubble in shale.
Edward Ketz, an accounting professor and co-author of the Grumpy Old Accountants blog, has been a vociferous critic of Groupon.
He said when gay officers had first tried to start their own organisation, there was a "vociferous" letter-writing campaign against it.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Modernising gay officer gets MBE
Biden also has been an early and vociferous critic of President Bush's foreign policies, most notably regarding the war in Iraq.
He retained his place in the shadow cabinet under Iain Duncan Smith despite his vociferous support for Michael Portillo's leadership bid.
Maybe it's because organic farmers, an increasingly vociferous lobby which includes Prince Charles, have an interest in seeing off new technologies.
Have you heard any vociferous rebuttals from established bastions of scientific authority?
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This explains the other, vociferous reaction to Yahoo's policy change: surprised dismay.
The most vociferous is DOW Chemical that is rightly concerned that higher gas prices translate into higher feedstock prices for its manufacturing processes.
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