The Vietnam War ended 40 years ago, but reminders are still everywhere in Laos.
Net 1, he says, is working on smart card systems for Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines and Colombia.
In 1967, during the Vietnam War, the U.S. aircraft carrier Forrestal was damaged by fire, killing 130.
He also had the only one-on-one interview with President Clinton during his historic 2000 trip to Vietnam.
While Hagel and Dung knew of each other's service in Vietnam, they had never met.
Al Santoli is the author of two histories of the Vietnam War and its aftermath.
Next will be Vietnam or Malaysia or other countries, just because their wages are much lower.
Earlier this month, officials in Vietnam learned of an outbreak in their province from the newspaper.
Supplies have gotten tight as indicated by the falling exports from countries like Vietnam.
There are eleven countries with only one firm, including New Zealand, the Czech Republic and Vietnam.
Vietnam's ratio of investment to economic growth has fallen by roughly a quarter in recent years.
Chasing the ghost of Faver prepared Poindexter to return to the nightmare of Vietnam.
In Vietnam, I lost my first friend at a place known as Alpha North.
This election may have closed the book on a Vietnam veteran ever being elected president.
And the United States was able to extricate itself from Vietnam, but it was very embarrassing.
Senator John Kerry tells CNN he never accused American troops of war crimes in Vietnam.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Kerry now says he never said what he said
The Vietnam veteran connects his business to his passion for the U.S. Constitution and self-reliance.
She listened to America's victims of the Vietnam war, both traumatised veterans and rueful ex-protesters.
Many others were new arrivals from China, Vietnam and Pakistan, who barely spoke English.
WSJ: After Tragedy, City Suffers Second Trauma Over Victims' Fund
One-third support all wars (that was the share that backed the Vietnam war to the end).
The Vietnam war suggests that lack of support is decisive only when it dips below 40%.
She decided to ask Delmer if he would participate in a series of conversations about Vietnam.
With two months left in Vietnam, Delmer welcomed another young soldier to his platoon.
She had finished high school in Vietnam and could speak some English by now.
Twenty-two years after the last U.S. combat troops left Vietnam, old psychic wounds still fester.
He is keen on developing the ASEAN market, particularly Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.
Analysts found servers in Germany, Vietnam, Turkey, Italy and elsewhere, but haven't located the main server.
Journalist Do Qui Toan says up to now most ventures in Vietnam have failed.
Want to see my new design for a robot deep fryer manufactured in Vietnam?
In clinical trials, Cincinnati's Nasrallah notes, Vietnam veterans did not respond to Zoloft and Paxil.