• Radical versus incremental change - how to SWItCH urban water systems to meet current and future challenges?

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • Multi-heritage city-design team innovates for urban water management: Emily Ocon , Catalina Rincon-Arcila , and Amanda Gonzalez are students at St.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • The private sector's impact on urban water services can thus be dramatic.

    ECONOMIST: Water

  • Marin County cut urban water use from 170 to 143 gallons a head between 1987 and 1998 by a plan involving staggered water rates.

    ECONOMIST: California's economy

  • Officials of the urban water system told Maiffret that with a few mouse clicks, he could have rendered the water undrinkable for millions of homes.

    FORBES: Cyber Attacks Take Down Two Israeli Websites - Is Cyber Warfare The Next Front In The Middle East Conflict?

  • That's roughly one-third of urban water use, a fairly ambitious goal.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The session will include a demonstration of the UGROW software, a complete and fully integrated modelling package and a decision-support tool for urban water management.

    UNESCO: Le monde c��l��bre la Journ��e mondiale de l'eau (22 mars)

  • This bold initiative is a paradigm shift in approach that treats urban water resources as a key pathway to a sustainable future for the city.

    FORBES: Smart Communities will Build Green Infrastructure

  • The emphasis on urban water problems has arisen from the heavy weight of the urban populations in the political process and, in general, their more active role in politics.


  • The objective of World Water Day 2011 is to focus international attention on the impact of rapid urban population growth, industrialization and uncertainties caused by climate change, conflicts and natural disasters on urban water systems.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • In this event, participants will explore if and how cities in a developing country context can accelerate the development of their urban water management systems by by-passing conventional, centralized approaches and promoting more decentralized and flexible solutions that promise a higher degree of sustainability.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • The interim Secretariat of the International Drought Initiative (IDI), the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management - RCUWM (under the auspices of UNESCO), supported by the Iranian Ministry of Energy and the Iranian IHP National Committee in collaboration with a number of UN agencies, international and regional organizations and key national agencies, are organizing the Second International Drought Initiative Meeting in Tehran, Iran.

    UNESCO: Second International Drought Initiative (IDI) Meeting

  • By 2015, the government intends to add 42 million tons of daily sewage treatment capacity to increase its urban waste water treatment rate to 85 percent.

    FORBES: Quenching China's Thirst For Water

  • The film highlights key water quality problems such as lack of access to safe water and sanitation, inefficient wastewater management in urban areas, water pollution caused by intensive use of nutrients and chemicals in agriculture, the invisible threat of new and emerging pollutants in water and the economic costs of water quality degradation.


  • To such people, urban sprawl and water pollution come as a nasty shock.

    ECONOMIST: Cities and growth

  • As regards human consumption, the main source of demand comes from urban communities requiring water for drinking, sanitation and drainage.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • The imagery has been used to monitor urban growth, water use, farm production and a variety of natural disasters, from the 1980 eruption of Mount St.

    CNN: NASA cheers new Landsat launch

  • The study also cited other factors as contributing to the plight of the urban poor such as improper sanitation, contaminated drinking water, and urban pollution.

    BBC: Indian children 'malnourished'

  • The next step was to find a partner with an understanding of the challenges of urban sanitation in the developing world, cue Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) joining the partnership.

    FORBES: Building a Scalable Business in Ghana: Because Every Family Deserves a Toilet

  • Rising seas pose some of the biggest emerging challenges to the world, as coastal urban areas face higher water and dangerous storms, protected only by weak, sometimes crumbling 20th-century flood defenses.

    FORBES: The Link Between Global Warming, Sea Levels And Volcanoes

  • With their budgets gutted by austerity programs pushed by the IMF and World Bank and unable or unwilling to tax the rich, city governments cannot provide basic services needed by this swelling urban mass such as water, electricity, and infrastructure.

    BBC: NEWS | In Depth | Viewpoints: The urban world in 2050

  • During this session, water management under conditions of uncertainty and risk will be addressed through different perspectives - including water for urban settlements, valuation, pollution and disasters and the need for accurate information - with proper links to sustainable development.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • Among them are a space heater for residents of the Himalayas, a water heater for urban Indians and Airvest, a garment that he says could save the lives of painters working in industrial spray booths and trim energy bills too.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Among them: a space heater for residents of the Himalayas, a water heater for urban Indians, and Airvest, a garment he says could save the lives of painters working in industrial spray booths and trim energy bills at the same time.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Today one billion people live in slums dense, urban areas that usually lack clean water, sanitation and electricity.

    FORBES: Welcome To The Megacities Project

  • Among these figure water-harvesting technologies and drip irrigation, as well as technologies that recycle grey water in peri-urban agriculture.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • But companies will not be able to satisfy surging urban demand unless rural supplies of water are also properly managed.

    ECONOMIST: Water

  • Most people think that the current water system can cope with urban growth far into the future.

    ECONOMIST: Urban sprawl

  • Years later, I joined Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) in Bangalore, India to support their slum sanitation programme, seeking to demonstrate viable models for government investment.

    FORBES: Building a Scalable Business in Ghana: Because Every Family Deserves a Toilet

  • Chances are you are at least somewhat aware of the growing water scarcity problem, particularly for urban populations.

    FORBES: On World Water Day: A Call for Innovation

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