• In May, Icahn filed a proxy slate of board members in hopes of unseating Yahoo!'

    FORBES: Jerry's Gotta Go, Icahn Says

  • But the fervent hope of unseating Obama could break the Republican mold in 2012.

    FORBES: Mitch Daniels For President?

  • There's also much speculation that Ayatollah Mezbiazdi may have his eye on unseating the current supreme leader.

    NPR: Iran's New President Stirs Political Turmoil

  • On Tuesday, the county announced a new captain Alviro Petersen had been appointed, unseating Jamie Dalrymple as skipper.

    BBC: Matthew Maynard resigns because of 'untenable' position

  • Wisconsin Republicans also expressed an urgency to move beyond the fractious, monthslong primary to focus on unseating Mr. Obama.

    WSJ: Romney Wins Wisconsin, D.C., Maryland

  • Nine individuals are presently vying for the Republican Party's presidential nomination with an eye on unseating President Obama in 2012.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The centre challenged for the seat in 1983 when the SDP came within 2, 000 votes of unseating Labour s Dr Mark Hughes.

    BBC: NEWS | VOTE 2001 | RESULTS & CONSTITUENCIES | City of Durham

  • In the Saxon election a week later they do not stand the ghost of a chance of unseating the popular Christian Democratic premier, Kurt Biedenkopf.

    ECONOMIST: Schr?der thumped

  • But Labour's most ambitious targets involve unseating Lib Dem MPs, suggesting the party expects to attract disaffected Lib Dem voters who are unhappy with the coalition.

    BBC: Labour '100% confident' of winning majority

  • Out in the hotly-contested 16th congressional district, Jim Renacci has high hopes of unseating his rival, John Boccieri, who only took the seat for the Democrats in 2008.


  • Had Republicans won the Senate, perhaps unseating Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer in the process, this year would have qualified as a genuine political rout, much like 1994.

    FORBES: U.S.-China Relations After The Election

  • In terms of professional gaming, its viewership now outpaces that of legendary strategy title Starcraft, unseating the decade-old powerhouse in just a few years as the most watch pro-played game.

    FORBES: Connect

  • In 2008, Rep. Rob Andrews challenged Lautenberg in a Democratic primary, but Andrews fell well short of unseating Lautenberg as most of the state's Democratic Party establishment continued to back him.

    NPR: NJ Sen. Frank Lautenberg Says He Will Retire

  • McGrady looks as though he may be well on his way to unseating Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett for the unofficial title of 'best player to join the NBA straight from high school.

    BBC: McGrady continues upward curve

  • Mr. Salem is highly critical of his fellow Egyptians for what he sees as their inability to move past the short-term goals of unseating Hosni Mubarak and opening the political system to competition.

    WSJ: Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen: The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution

  • Some 239, 000 Democrats caucused in Iowa in 2008, when the party was energized by an anti-Bush sentiment, compared with 122, 000 Republicans this year, when the prospect of unseating Mr. Obama is expected to energize the GOP.

    WSJ: Romney Gains Support After Narrow Iowa Win

  • It is hard to say how much his handsome victory was due to his own accomplishments and how much to voters' desire to produce a result most likely to lead to the unseating of Mr Kohl.

    ECONOMIST: Chancellor Schr?der?

  • And Democrats had a record-breaking year in '06, unseating both GOP House members, re-electing the Dem governor by a record margin, and taking both houses of the state Legislature for the first time since the 19th century.

    NPR: Palin Moved The Electoral Map, But For How Long?

  • But Mr Khatami's distrust of Mr Bush has risen since the Americans, far from thanking the Iranian government for its help in unseating the Taliban in Afghanistan, have been accusing the president's conservative opponents of helping al-Qaeda fighters to safety.

    ECONOMIST: Distrust, in all around | The

  • Ross Goldstein, a co-founder and managing director of DFJ Gotham, points out that the Big Apple has climbed the ranks to become the second-largest venture capital hub in the U.S., unseating Boston and second only to the Bay area now.

    FORBES: All It Takes Is A Smile And A Hug To Jump-Start NY Tech

  • Then there's the whole question of the unseating of the Florida and Michigan delegates because they chose to put their primaries further ahead and they lost the seating of these delegates, which were crucial, some 300 and something of those.

    NPR: Week in Review: Superdelegates, Clemens Testimony

  • By arranging a flood of primaries soon after Iowa and New Hampshire, they thought, the party could choose a candidate early, get the bitterness and bickering of the nomination battle behind it, rally round the winner and get an early start on the task of unseating George Bush.

    ECONOMIST: John Kerry gets ever closer to the nomination

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