• In 1990, Kagame was attending a training course at Fort Leavenworth in the U.S. state of Kansas when Tutsi rebels invaded Rwanda.

    CNN: From child refugee to Rwanda's reconciliation president

  • This year there are three: American Bible Society, New York, and Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., Kansas City, Mo.

    FORBES: Charity Begins With The Boss

  • In a column called "The Big Hate, " Mr. Krugman seized upon two unrelated shootings in different cities - of a Kansas abortionist and a U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum guard in Washington - to contend outrageously that disaffected conservatives and Iraq war veterans may pose a public threat.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Free speech, but not for me?

  • Kris W. Kobach, a University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law professor, who worked on immigration policy for former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and who helped draft the Arizona statute, insists that it's narrowly targeted to take advantage of an enforcement mechanism Congress left the locals in 1986.

    FORBES: Immigration Shootout At The Local Corral

  • Studies by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Oxford University, U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, National Bureau of Economic Research, American Enterprise Institute, and several others have all concluded at different times that lower hourly wages account for a substantial portion of corporate income tax payments.

    FORBES: Low-Skilled Immigrant Workers Are Vital Contributors To The Economy

  • Consider the growth of the U.S. Negro Leagues during the first half of the 20th century into major cities like Kansas City and Baltimore.


  • Kansas City is one of only 15 cities with a population of at least 200, 000 in 1950 that saw substantial population losses since World War II but have rebounded in recent years, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by Jordan Rappaport, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

    FORBES: America's Comeback Capitals

  • Today it is 10%, likely the highest of any city in Kansas and higher the U.S. national average.

    FORBES: Here's What's The Matter With Kansas

  • Salter became the first female mayor in the U.S. Salter was elected by the people of Argonia, Kansas.

    CNN: Friday,

  • But tornado-prone stretches of the U.S., which include North Texas and Kansas, should consider requiring the so-called safe rooms at new schools, he said.

    WSJ: Oklahoma Tornado: Long Minutes of Desperation Inside School Razed by Storm

  • McWhorter secured money for Eldar to attend a prestigious music camp in Michigan, and Eldar and his family subsequently moved to the U.S. in 1998, settling in Kansas City because of its reputation as a haven for jazz.

    NPR: Eldar: Complex Improvisation

  • In the U.S., towns in Kansas and the Dakotas face extinction mainly because of an exodus of young people.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Breckinridge Willcox, a former U.S. Attorney for Maryland, sees the Kansas case as an extension of a dangerous trend: the government is attempting to breach the attorney-client privilege in business cases.

    FORBES: First, indict all the lawyers

  • Breckinridge Willcox, a former U.S. Attorney for Maryland, sees the Kansas case as being an extension of a dangerous trend: that of the government's attempting to breach the attorney-client privilege in business cases.

    FORBES: Dirty pool

  • The new research suggests that a nationwide ban on smoking in public and workplaces could prevent 100, 000 to 225, 000 heart attacks each year in the U.S., says one study author, Dr. David Meyers, of the University of Kansas School of Medicine.

    CNN: Big drop in heart attacks after smoking bans, studies say

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