• Poland was the site of some of the most notorious Nazi German death camps, including Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka and Sobibor.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Poland Jews to get Warsaw museum

  • In 1942, before the uprising, the Nazi SS deported about 300, 000 Jews from the ghetto to the Treblinka camp, where they were murdered in gas chambers.

    BBC: Poland honours Jews who fought Nazis in Warsaw Ghetto

  • For the Holocaust may have reached its barbaric climax at Treblinka and Auschwitz and Belzec, but it started in the hearts of ordinary men and women.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities

  • Israeli tours always visit the former Nazi death camps of Auschwitz and Treblinka but often they have no contact with Poland's living Jewish communities, Mr Hermon told the BBC.

    BBC: Renovated Jeszywas Chachmei synagogue in Lublin, Poland

  • Notable is Ms Sereny's account of her sustained interviewing of Franz Stangl, who had been commandant of the extermination camp at Treblinka, after a German court had sentenced him to life imprisonment.

    ECONOMIST: German history

  • Treblinka became real, the shift from myth to reality took place in a blinding flash, the encounter between a name and a place wiped out everything I had learned, forced me to start again from scratch.

    NEWYORKER: Witness

  • He was born Kazimierz Jerzy Goldfarb, a Polish Jew, who was sent to a summer school in England in 1939, leaving behind his mother and a sister who died in Treblinka, and a father he never saw again.

    ECONOMIST: A memoir of Zimbabwe

  • His deep and unwavering dedication to children was expressed until the moment of his death in 1942, when he chose to accompany the children of his orphanage, in the Warsaw Ghetto, to the Treblinka extermination camp where they all perished together.

    UNESCO: ����֮˼���й�����ƽ

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