• With regard to the proposed direct-trade regulation, this has only a small chance of being adopted, especially since the Legal Service of the European Parliament has recently joined that of the Council in concluding that the proposal is based on an erroneous legal basis as it treats Cyprus as a third country.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Indeed, economic growth is a very simple function of getting taxes, trade, regulation, and money generally right.

    FORBES: David Stockman Brings New Meaning To 'Flawed Economic Analysis'

  • Their plan includes efforts to reshape U.S. policies on everything from immigration to the federal fisc, taxation, trade, and regulation, as well as fresh thinking on infrastructure, energy, and trade.

    FORBES: Can America Still Compete? An 8-Step Recovery Plan

  • The EPA is effectively imposing cap and trade by administrative regulation under the Clean Air Act, without Congressional approval.

    FORBES: There Are No Longer Any Excuses For Obamanomics

  • The right believes in free markets: low tax rates, a stable (ideally gold convertible) dollar, free trade, mild regulation.

    FORBES: Not Default, Growth: Wall Street, Main Street And Even Washington Gets It Now

  • We know how to achieve higher growth: lower tax rates, cutting excessive spending, a gold-convertible dollar, free trade, modest regulation, sensible protection of property and civil rights.

    FORBES: On The Public Enemies Of Prosperity Policies

  • Private capital has no idea what the future holds in terms of taxes, regulation, trade, deficits and the value of the dollar.

    FORBES: Stocks Hate Obeynomics

  • What's needed is a new global financial doctrine that addresses the issues of global saving and consumption, currency arrangements, financial regulation and trade.

    CNN: Commentary: Why Obama should be upbeat -- and worried

  • Neither president got everything right, but in moving in the right direction on taxes, regulation, trade and the dollar, both presided over booming stock markets.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The nations enjoying limited government, property rights, sound currency, free trade, ease of regulation, low taxes and restrained public spending include: Hong Kong, followed by Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Chile, United Kingdom, Mauritius and the United States.

    FORBES: Forget Multiculturalism: Restore The Anglo-Saxon Philosophy Of Liberty

  • But that job seems to have warped his economic view, which became one of cartels, regulation, managed trade and targeted tax cuts.

    FORBES: Worst and Best Picks

  • ASEAN, the main issues are long-term: how eagerly will its members press for greater openness and co-operation in trade, investment and financial regulation?

    ECONOMIST: ASEAN looks to the new year

  • Labour MP Barry Gardiner - a long-time campaigner for greater regulation of the arms trade - said the government's position was "neither morally right nor politically astute".

    BBC: UK arms pledge 'abandoned'

  • The inputs necessary are simple, and boil down to four things: when taxes are light, regulation is nonintrusive, trade is free and money values stable, stocks do well.

    FORBES: Political Economy

  • If certain derivative trades are as risky as those who seek more regulation suggest, and if a poor trade threatens one or both parties with penury, isn't the possibility of failure all the regulation that is needed?

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • We have largely shied away from banks stocks because of the headline driven nature of their moves, but we finally see a compelling area for a trade at a time when the regulation debate seems close to a conclusion.

    FORBES: Connect

  • "It's important for each and every country in the world that we have a regulation of the international arms trade, " Germany's U.N.

    NPR: Optimism In UN Over 1st Global Arms Trade Treaty

  • "This is such a tragic case and serves to highlight the importance of proper regulation of the domestic building trade, " he said in a statement ahead of the meeting.

    BBC: Meg Burgess: MP raises wall death campaign in Commons

  • However, positive action from the Congress, such as stopping the huge, non-productive, job-destroying programs such as health care, the financial regulation law, cap and trade, etc. and focusing on tax simplification and tax reduction, can create jobs.

    FORBES: When Bad News Is Good News

  • In its recent negotiations, Google is pushing four key points: that free information flows are important for the global economy, that trade should not be restricted by the regulation of the Internet, that all players on the Web are treated fairly and that laws should be put in place to make any Internet restrictions transparent.

    FORBES: Google's Free Trade Agenda

  • Trade union reform, privatisation, de-regulation and reduction of income tax rates were all achieved under her leadership.

    BBC: Margaret Thatcher: Former Welsh Tory leader's memories

  • Prior to the establishment of CITES in 1973, there was no international regulation of the cross-border trade in wildlife.

    NPR: UN Calls For Clampdown On Illegal Wildlife Trade

  • The new rules, called the Regulation National Market System, require trade orders to be routed to the exchange with the best price.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • And this week it won a major victory when the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission voted (albeit narrowly) to approve Regulation NMS, which includes new trade-through-rules that require execution of orders even if it means going to rival exchanges to do so.

    FORBES: The NYSE Trades Up

  • The pending cap and trade tax legislation and Environmental Protection Agency global warming regulation threaten to cripple the economy with high cost and unproven energy, the specter of which is also is already killing jobs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Although most economists argue that a carbon tax would be the most efficient solution, Sir Nicholas is neutral between a carbon tax and the other ways of raising the cost of emitting carbon by regulation or a cap-and-trade system.

    ECONOMIST: Climate change

  • Japanese customers endured limited product choices and a horrendously outdated retail sector that were all protected by government regulation, all in the name of creating trade surpluses.

    FORBES: Chinese Consumers To US Senate: Thanks

  • As the UK's Europe Minister, David Lidington, said: "If you look at the summit conclusions, you'll find very ambitious language there about strengthening the single market, cutting the amount of red tape and regulation on small businesses, on expanding external trade".

    BBC: Opportunity for Britain amid European uncertainty

  • There are reassuring signs that the SOPA battle has some resonance for Internet users, who now understand the breadth of threats to the Internet and are willing to fight them whether they come in the form of international regulation of the Internet through the UN or trade pacts like the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.

    FORBES: Another Fall, Another Push By SOPA Supporters As Congress Returns

  • Societies with clear property rights, less regulation, lower taxes, and the freedom to trade do a much better job of unlocking the entrepreneurial spirit.

    FORBES: Don't Be Ashamed College Students, Profit Is Not A Dirty Word

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