• Tory education spokeswoman Liz Smith said the current system was failing too many pupils at lower levels and welcomed the "fine tuning" of assessment in fourth year.

    BBC: Scottish exams shake-up announced

  • By increasing the number of students eligible to enroll in school meal programs and improving the quality of food served, this legislation simultaneously tackles both hunger and the obesity levels currently affecting too many communities across this nation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Bringing Healthy, Affordable Food to Underserved Communities | The White House

  • Yes, too many houses had been built and prices were too high, but a return to more normal levels would be manageable if stretched over a few years.

    ECONOMIST: America��s bail-out plan

  • Add in too many expensive benefits and premiums could spike to unaffordable levels.

    FORBES: Health Care Reform's Important Questions Still To Be Decided

  • The consultation document says attendance levels are improving, but there are still too many unauthorised absences.

    BBC: Hopscotch

  • Falling exports and a glut of too many ships ordered during the boom years drove prices down to unsustainable levels on some routes, but the outlook is now improving for both the ports and the shipping companies.


  • But the Detroit companies, especially General Motors, have way too many brands and dealers to operate efficiently at their current market-share levels.

    WSJ: Bush Blinks on the Auto Bailout

  • So the famous colleges whose graduates dominate the highest levels of the media industry (and many other industries, too) Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, Penn State, the University of Michigan, the University of Missouri are all extraordinarily rare in the context of American universities, even strictly measured by their admission rates.

    FORBES: Is the Media Out of Touch? A Look at the Numbers

  • Increasingly as we reach certain levels of success, the reason is a surprising one: we actually have too many choices.

    FORBES: The Surprising Poverty of Too Many Choices

  • For one, Genter says that even after many large-cap U.S. dividend-paying stocks enjoyed a sharp rally in 2011 even as the market sputtered, many of these names were not bid up to levels where price-to-earnings ratios became too extended.

    FORBES: Buy Dividend Stocks as Market 'Smells Like Speculation'

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