• In the longer run, however, it may be that the only way to settle the problem of Kosovo would be to hold a new Balkan conference, where the entire gamut of territorial and constitutional issues across the region could be discussed in the round.

    ECONOMIST: The delicate Balkan balance | The

  • In time there would be economic dividends, but long before that the mere expression of willingness to treat the application seriously would have helped all those Turks who are trying to promote democracy, to settle the Kurdish problem and to reduce the influence of the generals.

    ECONOMIST: Europe needs to repair relations with Turkey, fast

  • Because the population of 15 to 19-year-olds is set to rise over the coming decade, and because young men are taking longer to settle down and abandon crime than in the past, the problem looks set to get worse.

    ECONOMIST: Young offenders: Misunderstood | The

  • The problem is, each of the merchants signed an agreement to settle their claims in arbitration, and waived their right to join in class actions.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Asked: Are Class Actions Sacred?

  • And even if we were able to settle upon an acceptable definition of consciousness, we really have no idea how to study the problem.

    ECONOMIST: Cut out the middle men

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