• Or if you want to put it in another way, we have just accelerated the schedule, and we're looking at what are good numbers for the first quarter that used to be good numbers for the whole six months of the year before the election.

    NPR: Fundraising Race Begins for Candidates

  • Or to put it another way, in being passionately and ideologically opposed to protectionism, have successive British governments been a little too dismissive of less pernicious forms of economic and industrial nationalism?

    BBC: How many cheers for British companies?

  • Or to put it another way, in the immediate aftermath of a Greek default, the Greek government would have quite a lot of power to dictate restructuring and repayment terms to its creditors.

    BBC: Is a Greek default so bad for Greece?

  • Or to put it another way, in the absence of dangerous leverage - or huge debts relative to their capital resources - can Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Barclays Capital and so on make a decent return without a massive overhaul in their business models (management-consultant speak for huge job cuts)?

    BBC: When banks profit from bad news

  • What his numbers show is that British exporters would probably be more damaged by a eurozone implosion than German ones: or to put it another way, businesses in the UK - which, to state the stunningly obvious, is not a member of the euro area - are more dependent on the health of the eurozone than German companies.

    BBC: Can Germany afford eurozone collapse?

  • Or to put it another way, economic conditions in what remains the world's largest single economy have a material impact on our prosperity.

    BBC: Does US election matter to us?

  • Or to put it another way, forbearance is another contributor to the undermining of trust in the integrity and strength of the financial system.

    BBC: Business

  • To put it another way, a tiny difference in the Libor or Euribor rate could determine whether a bank like Barclays - and other banks - would make a profit or a loss on huge derivatives deals.

    BBC: Barclays 'attempted to manipulate interest rates'

  • Or to put it another way, there will be a fall in real terms in income from tax credits and benefits.

    BBC: Will recession return to the high street?

  • To put it another way, the rich lead the decline in fertility, producing a short-term increase in income inequality as they capture the benefits of demographic change first.

    ECONOMIST: Free exchange

  • Or to put it another way, there is no serious momentum in economic activity that gives endless time to the leaders of the eurozone to agree measures that will provide reassurance to creditors and investors that Spain and Italy - inter alia - will ultimately be able to pay all their debts.

    BBC: Growth vs debt reduction

  • To put it another way, the Bank is saying that in a business-as-usual way, with no stigma attached and at a cheaper interest rate, it will provide the funds that till now it would only provide through its so-called discount window - which is where banks go to borrow in an embarrassing emergency.

    BBC: Will Bank of England��s new lending schemes work?

  • Put another way, it is difficult to sustain participation in a relatively open, transparent international order while stifling such an environment at home.

    FORBES: Beijing Gives and Takes Offense

  • To put it another way, governments set up a system that in effect treated bankers as naughty children or ravenous puppies who could not be trusted not to eat too much of the dangerously fattening stuff - and regulators were to be the health conscious parents.

    BBC: If banks are treated as naughty kids...

  • Or to put it another way, it turns out that this new stability in one form of prices, consumer price inflation, did not deliver broader stability.

    BBC: Can the Bank of England hit any target?

  • Or to put it another way, Greece's austerity programme is succeeding in impoverishing Greek people with little in the way of discernible benefits to the Greek private sector and the capacity of Greece to start earning its way in the world.

    BBC: Greece needs yet another bailout

  • To put it another way, what bankers call "the execution risk" in the deal looks less in a Co-op takeover than for an NBNK takeover.

    BBC: Co-op set to become big banker

  • But Mr Osborne was keen to get his preferred central governor, because Mr Carney was widely perceived to have all the bits: he is admired by monetary economists, regulators and - allegedly - his staff (or to put it another way, he is an unusual economist and central banker, in that he is seen as a half-decent manager).

    BBC: Why Osborne went to Canada for his governor

  • "Mr Osborne was keen to get his preferred central governor, because Mr Carney was widely perceived to have all the bits: he is admired by monetary economists, regulators and - allegedly - his staff (or to put it another way, he is an unusual economist and central banker, in that he is seen as a half-decent manager), " the BBC's business editor Robert Peston said.

    BBC: Mark Carney named new Bank of England governor

  • Or to put it another way, everything it owns outside the UK has an implicit valuation in the market of more-or-less nothing - which, some would say, is bonkers.

    BBC: Why break up bid for Vodafone looms

  • To put it another way: we've tried life with guns, and it results in the deaths of thousands of young people, not to mention adults.

    ECONOMIST: Letters | The

  • Or to put it another way, the Treasury, Bank of England and Financial Services Authority, in reforming the banking system to stabilise it and protect taxpayers, may have inadvertently reinforced the market dominance of the UK's Big Five banks.

    BBC: Protecting taxpayers may weaken building societies

  • Or to put it another way, he believes there is a vast amount of money locked up in industry's relatively inefficient supply chain - and if this money can be released smaller companies would have much less need for external finance.

    BBC: How business can bypass banks

  • To put it another way, there is a horrific negative feedback loop between creditors' confidence in the ability of certain eurozone governments, such as Italy, to repay their debts, and confidence in the ability of their respective banks to honour their debts.

    BBC: Investors love the UK but not its banks

  • Put it another way, these forecasts are wildly, unavoidably, sensitive to even small changes in the underlying assumptions.

    BBC: OBR report: Be aware, not afraid

  • Or to put it another way, profit margins are so slim that a 6.5% swing in occupancy levels is the difference between corporate life and death.

    BBC: NHP controls fate of Southern Cross

  • To put the evidence another way, is there anyone involved in such an improper relationship who ever wanted it disclosed?

    CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2

  • Or to put it another way, the unbreakable link between credit provision and economic activity means that recessionary conditions in Spain, Italy and the weaker eurozone economies will intensify, as French and German banks take their money back.

    BBC: Can Draghi do 'whatever it takes' to save euro?

  • To put it another way, you need radical decentralization and a radical shift to power to parents and children in how schools are run.

    FORBES: Death To Education Reform

  • But it's quite another matter to take the sons and daughters of America and put them in harm's way without thinking the whole thing through.

    CNN: Southern Republicans Gather For A Straw Poll

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