• While operationally deployed strategic nuclear forces are being reduced in number, the U.S. will continue to maintain a responsive force to remain prepared for any immediate or unexpected contingencies.


  • Special Offer: The U.S. needs to maintain access to crude oil to remain a superpower, and our enemies know this.

    FORBES: Japanese Failure Dooms Xbox 360

  • Venezuelan authorities promised to maintain order and asked for calm to remain.

    WSJ: Venezuela Leader Ch��vez Dies at 58

  • With the opening of its HDD Advanced Technology Center (with TDK and SDK) to develop higher density recording technology and the HDD Manufacturing Technology Center (with TDK and likely its partner SAE) to develop manufacturing capabilities, on July 16, 2011, Toshiba is taking clear steps to maintain its technological relevance and ability to remain a competitor in the HDD industry.

    FORBES: Toshiba Makes Strategic Partnerships In Order to Compete in Hard Disk Drives

  • Unless the government offers an attractive per barrel remuneration fee and indications thus far suggest this is not the case most firms are likely to settle reluctantly on the new contractual terms to remain in country and maintain minimal production.

    FORBES: Ecuador: Correa's Play for Greater Influence in the Oil Sector

  • While supporters on both sides of the issue seemed to agree classroom diversity is an important goal, differences remain over how to maintain it without the real or perceived consequence that some families may be unfairly discriminated against or inconvenienced.

    CNN: Divided court rejects school diversity plans

  • If we are to remain competitive we need to maintain innovation in technical equipment and processes and continue the history of innovation that has characterized areas such as Silicon Valley.

    FORBES: The Engines of Innovation

  • "I assessed matters and suggested to Denis that although he would remain as assistant to me he also needed to maintain a hands-on role in coaching, " he said.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • The author makes a case why upcoming HDD company mergers are important to maintain the health of the HDD companies that remain as well as to continue to deliver the enormous value that HDDs have given their customers.

    FORBES: Why Government Regulators Should Approve Hard Disk Drive Company Consolidation

  • Thus it becomes absolutely necessary for the company to remain competitive and maintain both share and pricing, although Time Warner Cable is not alone in this position as other highly leveraged companies like Sprint face similar issues.

    FORBES: Time Warner Cable About $10 Too Expensive As Debt Jumps Higher

  • Even so, the Saudis not only sit atop the cheapest and largest reserves of oil in the world, but remain the only country willing to maintain large amounts of idle capacity something profit-minded Russian oilmen such as Yukos's Mr Kukes would never do.

    ECONOMIST: A surprise cut in oil supplies

  • First, we will maintain a strong military presence in the area, and we will remain ready to use it if Saddam tries to rebuild his weapons of mass destruction, strikes out at his neighbours, challenges allied aircraft or moves against the Kurds.

    BBC: Clinton's statement on end of strikes: Full text

  • And although it would be foolish to assume that the economy will maintain today's dizzy pace, or that tax receipts will remain so high, the danger that the budget deal is based on unrealisable assumptions is fading fast.

    ECONOMIST: 2002, a fiscal odyssey

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