• To his admirers, that is treason, and the Socialists should be expelled from government.

    ECONOMIST: The politics of Pinochet

  • To his admirers he was Doctor 360.

    ECONOMIST: Joseph Wolfson | The

  • Hence, the increasingly urgent need for the Fed's chairman, Ben Bernanke, to let down his new admirers gently.

    ECONOMIST: Monetary policy

  • He had stories dating back to before some of his admirers were born, such as the time in 1939 when he and Leo Szilard, another Hungarian scientist, persuaded Albert Einstein to write to President Roosevelt, urging the need to make an atomic bomb before the Germans did.

    ECONOMIST: Edward Teller

  • His ability to work with space through writing struck his admirers as a marvel.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | The Subtle Magic of Koetsu

  • Given that Friedman has left his admirers nothing to expose, and little need to expound, what is there left for a biographer to do?

    ECONOMIST: Milton Friedman

  • At Penn State, admirers flocked to his statute.

    WSJ: Jason Gay: Joe Paterno's Unsettled Goodbye

  • By 1991 although this was not obvious to Mikhail Gorbachev or his Soviet admirers, few of whom had the vaguest idea about economics the Soviet Union was crashing towards a much harder landing than it ultimately experienced.

    ECONOMIST: Observing Russia

  • As De Gaulle had done, Mitterrand was content to accept Henri into his circle of admirers.

    ECONOMIST: Henri d��Orl��ans

  • Even his admirers are likely to concede some of the charges.

    NEWYORKER: The Pharaoh

  • When Preah Maha Ghosananda, in later years, became associated with Buddhist temples in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, his admirers would expect to find him there.

    ECONOMIST: Preah Maha Ghosananda | The

  • Yet rather than quell his admirers' attempts to evade it, Mr Menem has blown hot and cold, cold and hot, on the notion that he might stand again this year.

    ECONOMIST: Irresponsible in Argentina

  • Perhaps he will be best remembered, say admirers, for his quest to reconcile France with its history.

    NPR: Chirac Leaves Behind a Mixed Legacy

  • Anxious to transform the prosaic into the romantic, his admirers speak of a poet of light and the poetry of silence.

    ECONOMIST: The mysterious paintings of Vilhelm Hammershoi

  • And did he not really adore, despite intermittent grumbles, the homage from the hundreds of admirers who beat a trail to his Weimar door?

    ECONOMIST: Goethe

  • Massing around St Brigida's, his admirers talk darkly of a return to pre-war times when, they say gloomily, most buildings in Poland's towns were owned by Jews.

    ECONOMIST: Poland and Jews

  • Almost every time Zhu makes enemies in officialdom because of his refusal to suffer fools, he gains new admirers among ordinary folk, who relish the stories of such faceoffs.


  • For a while he grew his white hair down to his shoulders an effect that disconcerted even some admirers.

    ECONOMIST: Man of the hour | The

  • These rarely disconcerted his admirers, one of whom compared him to a river.

    ECONOMIST: Wavering Wahid

  • His admirers construe this as a courageous adherence to unchanging principles, but there is another way of looking at it.

    ECONOMIST: A great parliamentarian

  • He travelled across America reading his poems to large, mainly young audiences who seemed not to mind that he was often incomprehensible, perhaps because his admirers were themselves blotto on drugs.

    ECONOMIST: Allen Ginsberg

  • It is clear that, in the aftermath of the IOC's decision to eliminate America's Windy City in the first round of voting and to select instead Rio de Janeiro, this rejection was not only a stunning personal failure for "The One, " (a title Obama's admirers seem to have embraced as much as his critics).

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What was Obama thinking?

  • The admirers held that his androgynous complexity allowed him to tap into a masculine rationality and simultaneously a feminine creativity.

    FORBES: The Shaky Foundation Of Keynesian Economics

  • At the heart of what his admirers describe as his "nuanced" approach to foreign and defense policy is an attitude towards American power that exemplifies the "blame America first" syndrome.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The anti-strength candidate

  • Even Mr Museveni's admirers wonder whether he is the right man to safeguard his own legacy.

    ECONOMIST: Uganda

  • Even when the camera was rolling the legions of admirers didn't feel the need to stay out of his way and let him do his job.

    BBC: Producer's Diary: Istanbul

  • When he left the IAEA in November 2009, hundreds of his admirers defied warnings from Egyptian security forces three months later not to welcome him home at Cairo airport.

    BBC: Profile: Mohamed ElBaradei

  • More troubling may be why Democrats--often professed admirers of FDR and his work--have not been eager to revive these programs.

    FORBES: New Geographer

  • Her admirers included Churchill, who said she was his favorite star according to biographer William Manchester, and Anne Frank, who had Durbin's photo pasted on the wall in the secret quarters where she and her family hid in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam.

    NPR: Early Hollywood Superstar Deanna Durbin Dies At 91

  • He went on to star in a string of hit romantic movies, and his shy smile won him legions of devoted admirers.

    CNN: July 19, 2012 -- Updated 1838 GMT (0238 HKT)

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