• Yet in the same period, in New York's fiercely competitive newspaper market, the tiny Sun and the tabloid New York Post each notably keener than the Times on the war in Iraq have enjoyed strong growth.

    ECONOMIST: Crisis management for a top media brand

  • To the sun, the Earth is a tiny speck: its diameter is less than 0.01% of the Earth-sun distance.

    CNN: The sun, the moon and the Titanic

  • The sun beams down on a tiny glen in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains-a radiant afternoon for an outdoor wedding.

    FORBES: Cult brands

  • But with "Tiny Cities, " Mark Kozelek of Sun Kil Moon makes an argument not just for his own abilities as a song interpreter but for the underappreciated songwriting skill of Isaac Brock.

    NPR: Sun Kil Moon: 'Tiny Cities'

  • That's how Sarpes Beverages can make claims that its DreamWater helps you sleep (it also contains a warning for pregnant women), and how Nestle can claim its Glowelle protects against sun damage based on a tiny 56-patient study.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Yet the overall variation is tiny, just 0.1% of the sun's total output, which seems insufficient to be the cause of a warming Earth.

    ECONOMIST: The sun has gone quiet

  • Find this orientation by looking through the crystal at the sky at a time when you can see the sun, mark the sun's direction on the crystal, and your mark will always point towards the sun when you match the beams from even a tiny patch of blue in an otherwise overcast sky.

    ECONOMIST: How Norsemen found their way round in cloudy weather

  • In the evening, the setting is magical as the sun sets over the Congo Mountains in the distance, and tiny lights from fishing boats flicker across the lake.

    BBC: Search the

  • The four hour drive south from Marrakech winds through the Atlas mountains and tiny, dusty Berber villages (although many, surprisingly, not too tiny for an ATM) showered with blowing red sand under a blinding sun.

    FORBES: Dar Ahlam- Pure Fantasy In The Moroccan Desert

  • Dr Russell is interested in tiny grains which should reveal new information about the material that came together to form the Sun and planets.

    BBC: Rare space rock in British lab

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