• That means that individual birds can be assigned to breeds, and individual breeds to a family tree that may, in time, stretch back to the domestic chicken's wild ancestor, the Burmese jungle fowl.

    ECONOMIST: A genetic game of chicken

  • Noah's still trying to work his way back after missing time down the stretch with an injury that had given him trouble in the past and cropped up again around midseason.

    WSJ: Noah, Johnson hobbled as Bulls, Nets resume series

  • For, while previously I saw time as a stretch of terrain that had to be covered, with the future as a distant prospect, hopefully a bright one, and never boring at any rate, now it is interwoven with our life here and in a totally different way.

    NEWYORKER: Total Recall

  • Over the same stretch of time following the early 1990s recession, incomes had recovered by 8%.

    BBC: National income per head 'down 13% in four years'

  • The lowest quintile, meanwhile, faces a mass exodus when looked at over a reasonable stretch of time.

    FORBES: Removing "Dismal" From Dismal Median Household Income Statistics

  • With that mantra Neff beat the market by three points a year, an extraordinary accomplishment given the stretch of time over which it occurred.

    FORBES: Betting Against Market Fads

  • One way to convince people of the long-term benefits of insurance is to stretch the time horizon over which the event can occur.

    FORBES: Improving Insurance Decision Making

  • By contrast, Microsoft, one of the most successful companies on the planet, has only managed to double its share price over the same stretch of time.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • For a stretch of time a disproportionate number of people in some social class or nation fall prey to a substance like alcohol, cocaine or opium.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • While games like Skyrim or Grand Theft Auto are great, you can tell a story over a shorter stretch of time, in a much smaller environment if need be.

    FORBES: When Time Slips Away: A Request for Shorter Games

  • Though we might use this endless stretch of time to refill the chip bowl or retally our pool ballots, these categories deserve special attention because they shine a spotlight on Oscar s strangest and most controversial rules.

    FORBES: Rules Of The Oscar Game

  • That could be a lengthy stretch of time.

    FORBES: Thoughts on the Business of Repentance, Yom Kippur and Dephlogistication

  • By contrast, Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ), one of the most successful companies on the planet, has only managed to double its share price over the same stretch of time.

    FORBES: Chief Executive Steve Jobs

  • Vujevic thought she would have a stretch of time for lunch -- modeling makes her hungry, she says -- but as she's leaving the studio, her agency sends an e-mail letting her know that she has a fitting for Gerlan Jeans, so she heads downtown.

    CNN: A day in the life of a New York Fashion Week model

  • Men are far more likely to own guns than women are, but the rate of gun ownership among men fell from one in two in 1980 to one in three in 2010, while, in that same stretch of time, the rate among women remained one in ten.

    NEWYORKER: Battleground America

  • And the reports that have been out there have been largely accurate that Speaker Boehner and myself had been in a series of conversations about doing the biggest deal possible so that we could actually resolve our debt and our deficit challenge for a long stretch of time.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on Deficit Reduction

  • That way, we can stretch the perceived time of our vacations, expand our memories in a youthful-like way, and return home with more creative ideas.

    CNN: Why you should visit a new destination

  • Turning off mobile notifications and making an effort to use only one high-tech device at a time is a way to stretch our cognitive resources.

    CNN: How mobile tech can influence our brain

  • Of course, if you stretch out the time scale enough, and are sufficiently casual about causes, you can give the printing press credit for anything you like.

    NEWYORKER: The Information

  • What may have been typical Japanese expressions of diffidence and unease with forthright action may have allowed this Chinese interpretation, even if it was a stretch at the time.

    FORBES: Connect

  • It turns out that Allstate Insurance Company has an endorsement product to stretch payments over time even if the company paying the athlete wants a one-time or one-year deal.

    FORBES: And Now For Olympic Endorsement Deals...

  • And when it comes to blow dries, most schedule two during the week and stretch out the time in between with the prudent use of various styling tools and dry shampoo.

    WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: How to Dress Like a New Yorker

  • The other four values stretch back in time to the earliest days of the company, 30 years before we ever thought about building our first hotel, to our popular Hot Shoppes restaurants.

    FORBES: J. W. Marriott Jr: From Root Beer Stand to Global Hotel Company

  • Mr. JOHN WALKE (Natural Resources Defense Council): The dirty little secret behind the Bush administration's air pollution agenda is to stretch out the time for power plants to clean up over the next two decades and to call that progress while eliminating clean air protections that would require them to clean up today.

    NPR: EPA Proposal Eases Rules on Pollution Controls

  • When she learned her mother was planning to sell her again, this time for a six-month stretch, she realized she needed to flee her home.

    CNN: The fight to end child trafficking

  • Even though private companies spend less, on average, than individuals for rent payments, inevitably there are some businesses that still struggle with the monthly expenditure and look for ways to stretch payments out over time.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Mes Aynak is a sprawling, mountainous, 9, 800-acre site studded with artifacts that archaeologists believe are as significant as the Bamiyan Buddhas, as well as the remains of civilizations that stretch back to the time of Alexander the Great.

    WSJ: In Afghanistan, a Rush to Save Buried Treasure

  • Mr Brotton, a professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary University of London, examines the complexity of mapmaking through the stories of 12 maps, which stretch across space and over time.

    ECONOMIST: There is no such thing as an objective map

  • Despite recent cold weather that has slowed down removal of the final stretch of spoil from the Imberhorne cutting, and the laying of track and cabling, Mr Watts is confident the stretch will be completed in time.

    BBC: Bluebell Railway memorial for founder Bernard Holden

  • With a personal history that includes mentorship by the doomed singer-songwriter Townes Van Zandt and a dark stretch of addiction and jail time, followed by recovery and creative resurgence, Mr. Earle has fielded many offers to write that book.

    WSJ: What Makes Steve Earle Run

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