• Having now understood the house's behavior under stress, Kopp and his team will now set about recreate the experiment but this time measuring the load on the nails which lifted.

    CNN: Engineering a hurricane-proof roof

  • How is Israel, at this point in time, measuring the success of its own military strikes?

    NPR: Israel Delays Expansion of Lebanon Offensive

  • Many athletes use Strava to rank their own performances over time, measuring not only speed and distance but also heart rate, power output and other information.

    WSJ: The Last Place Lance Armstrong Can Race

  • One of the better prospective studies done on vitamin D and heart disease followed subjects over time, measuring vitamin D levels and following them to see who developed a first incidence of heart attack.

    FORBES: Vitamin D: Still More Questions Than Answers

  • Those were about raising money, but can also be used for measuring time donated.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Such discrimination may be a fading memory, but then churches have a different way of measuring time.

    ECONOMIST: Catholics in Britain

  • Holmes spends a lot of time in Siberia measuring freshwater rolling into the Arctic Ocean from rivers like the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena, rivers most Americans have never heard of.

    NPR: Arctic Freshwater Pouring Into Atlantic, Scientists Say

  • The camera works, the team explained, by bouncing lasers off distant objects, and measuring the time it takes for the light to travel back to the detector.

    BBC: Long-distance 3D laser camera unveiled by Edinburgh team

  • The basics behind Loran and GPS are largely the same, with devices measuring the time it takes for a signal to travel between a transmitter and your receiver.


  • After tightening the connection and then measuring the time it takes data to travel the length of the fiber, researchers found that the data arrive 60 nanoseconds earlier than assumed.

    FORBES: No Virginia, There Are No Faster Than Light Neutrinos

  • Her first big idea: she proposed measuring the time each developer spent in front of his or her computer, and dividing it by the revenue brought in by the products that person created.

    FORBES: How to Not Suck As a Manager

  • The five-year performance quoted above (like the ones in the tables beginning on page 136) is a time-weighted return, measuring results for a hypothetical investor who put in a sum at the beginning and stood pat.

    FORBES: The fortunes of an aggressive growth fund in a bear market.

  • No experimental science would be possible without clocks capable of measuring tiny increments of time.

    BBC: Inventing the basics

  • The one big question in measuring production and playing time is how much weight to give injuries.


  • In other words, more quality educational play-time is preferable to more testing, measuring, and evaluating.

    FORBES: How to Invest in Game Based Learning

  • From a technical standpoint, this is a time to be a cautious buyer, as measuring the potential risk when considering any new positions is more important than thinking about any potential reward.

    FORBES: 3 Sectors Leading the Charge

  • James Kiernan, vice president and group director of digital media and innovation at MediaVest USA in New York, said the time is right to evaluate better ways of measuring online audience engagement, but added that he felt it was premature to drop page-viewing rankings.

    FORBES: Is The Page View Dead?

  • The high-volume reversal candle alerted us that it was time to switch gears and look for a bounce, while measuring composure of the bounce at each step along the way.

    FORBES: How Technical Analysis Has Given Great Trading Cues All Year Long

  • At that point, the rig calculates where light entered the polymer by measuring how much it has diminished during its travel time, and then composes an image from that data.


  • Measuring the real output of steel bars or coal over time is relatively simple.

    ECONOMIST: The numbers racket | The

  • The European mission will instead study the influence of dark energy by looking for subtle distortions in the way galaxies appear as they line up on the sky, and by measuring the patterns in the three dimensional distribution of galaxies through time.

    BBC: Dark discussion ahead for Europe and US

  • Measuring both gives a good estimate of how high the water was at that time.

    FORBES: What If Mike Bloomberg Is Right And A Climate Change Nightmare Is Here?

  • Instead of rereading it, get a copy of Measuring the Universe: Our Historic Quest to Chart the Horizons of Space and Time.

    FORBES: The Universe and Mrs. Ferguson

  • Using mid-quote prices for point-in-time benchmarks garnered support from 65 percent and using Bloomberg unadjusted AQR as a basis for measuring VWAP won the support of 63 percent of respondents.

    FORBES: When Total Cost Analysis (TCA) Breaks Down

  • While the CPI at one time was the measure desired by the public, government efforts turned the CPI away from measuring the price changes in a fixed-weight basket of goods and services to a quasi-substitution-based basket of goods, which destroyed the concept of the CPI as a measure of the cost of living of maintaining a constant standard of living.

    FORBES: CPI Inflation Rate Calculator (Experienced vs. Reported)

  • By effectively measuring teamwork, Carlisle also rewarded it (those who demonstrated it received more playing time) and helped further it.

    FORBES: 'How,' Not 'How Much'

  • If Google was measuring the right things namely the trajectory of where people were spending their time online it would have seen the big shifts in the news business and decided that its survival depended on adapting ahead of its competitors.

    FORBES: Failure to Renew: Why Yahoo and AOL Will Perish

  • The United Parcel Service has for decades followed Taylor's time-and-motion theories to make its internal operations highly efficient, to the point of measuring the paces between a double-parked truck and a customer's doorstep.

    FORBES: Hurry Up And Wait

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