• Best Buy has also launched a third-party market place to offer online products from other sellers in exchange for a cut from the proceeds.

    FORBES: Why Best Buy Is Still Worth $25

  • Sounds less like Apple is trying to look out for consumers (who may end up paying a little more for Made for iPod accessories unless manufacturers decide to take a hit on their margins) and more like they're just looking for a way to get a nice chunk of the rapidly-growing market for third-party accessories without actually having to sell anything extra themselves.

    ENGADGET: Apple wants a 10% cut of all Made for iPod accessories

  • Pursuing every nook and cranny of the mobile software market is what third-party developers are for.

    FORBES: Research In Motion Not Ditching Keyboards, BlackBerry 10 Still A Work In Progress

  • The App Store provides third-party developers a storefront from which they can market and sell their wares.

    FORBES: Congress Has More Questions over Apple iPhone Privacy

  • You are the best source of information about your product and its place in the market, any third-party partner would only serve to muddy the waters.

    FORBES: Choose Wisely: Selecting the Right Channel at the Right Time

  • Android adoption is growing at an incredible rate as third-party phone manufacturers leverage the Android OS to offer affordable and feature-rich touch phones to the broader market.

    FORBES: Can RIM Be Saved?

  • The purchase price reflected Mr. Erbey's documented cost basis in the property and was within the market value range provided by an independent third-party appraiser.

    WSJ: Ocwen's Rapid Growth Puts Spotlight on Its Practices

  • And in the computer industry, where success depends partly on support from third-party software developers and compatibility with other machines, low profits and low market share are as final as a pair of death knells.

    FORBES: Apple offers sizzle

  • Methodologies of various surveys each have their own flaws and trying to extrapolate handset sales from browser trends can be difficult if third-party browsers like Obigo, Opera or UC Browser are having a major market share swing.

    FORBES: What November Mobile Browsing Statistics Reveal

  • Officials should be aware that in the past several years insurance companies have begun to market specific computer policies that may provide first and third-party coverage for losses associated with cyber incidents, such as costs for data restoration, crisis response, privacy notification and forensic investigation, as well as defense and indemnification arising out of cyber incidents, and business interruption.

    FORBES: Disclosing Cyber Security Incidents: The SEC Weighs In

  • As shown below, the most impactful form of traction is when your venture repeatedly convinces rational, third-party customers to happily part with their hard-earned cash, at a market price, in exchange for your solution.

    FORBES: How To Gain The 'Traction' A VC Cannot Ignore

  • During the FDIC-led WAMU bankruptcy, regulators ignored established FDIC precedent by protecting certain third-party creditors ahead of bondholders, a move that almost certainly contributed to the 2008 capital market shutdown.

    FORBES: The Cyprus 'Bail-In' Exposes 'Too Big To Fail' As All Too Timid

  • Analysts and industry watchers have been speculating for some time that Nokia would (or at least should) open itself up to the possibility of hosting third-party software on its phones in a bid to recapture its narrowing share of the smartphone market.

    FORBES: Nokia Staying Mum On Windows Phone 7 Rumor

  • Clearly, though, as in the case of third-party guarantees on high-priced works, this is a much more attractive proposition for guarantors when art market confidence is pretty high as it is right now.

    FORBES: Can You Take the Risk Out of Buying Art?

  • Those who market to women-owned businesses must be seen as a valuable source of information from third party experts, from peers, and, yes, even from their staff, especially customer service representatives.

    FORBES: How to Market to Women-owned Businesses

  • On the other hand, there is no shortage of third-party software that enable policy-based disk encryption on iPhones and iPads (including, full disclosure, the market-leading Afaria software offered by my employer, Sybase).

    FORBES: Android 3.0: Five Features Your Enterprise IT Manager Will Love

  • We have created a vibrant customer community of over 150 market participants using MAMAT and now with OpenMAMA, customers and firms everywhere will benefit from third-party contributors creating an even richer and more compelling API.

    FORBES: NYSE Technologies Offers Middleware as Open Source

  • While contractual agreements between individuals and third party payers may be advisable to insure against catastrophic health events, it is important to realize that the ubiquity of the third party payer paradigm for ordinary healthcare arose not from the free market, but in response to government-imposed wage freezes enacted during World War II.

    FORBES: Let's End The Enslavement Of Healthcare Providers

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