• Alternatively, they may succeed in making the voices of marginalised people, such as women, heard in community groups.

    UNESCO: Associates in Research & Education for Development (ARED)

  • Since both men are from Lingala-speaking western Congo, they may succeed in adding a chunk of western votes to Mr Kabila's Swahili-speaking eastern support (the voting in July was mainly on ethnic and linguistic lines).

    ECONOMIST: The speeches are fierce, the times are tense

  • That means they may not go to college, and they know they may not succeed.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Education at TechBoston

  • They may even succeed at last in their efforts to terminate sanctions on Iraq once it is certified (however unjustifiably) to be free of weapons of mass destruction.


  • They may again succeed.

    ECONOMIST: Saudi Arabia

  • They may in time succeed.

    ECONOMIST: I do, I can, I will

  • If the governor's cronies succeed, they may try to repeal the city charter and its curbs on his authority.

    ECONOMIST: Russia

  • They may go away determined to succeed, and might even give up drinking, stop beating their wives and join the church.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil

  • If they succeed, they may bring some relief to media firms that have seen much of their business disappear into the vacuum: many in the music and newspaper businesses, for example, are pinning their hopes on the idea that consumers can be persuaded to pay small amounts for digital wares.

    ECONOMIST: Video games move online

  • If they succeed -- a giant if -- national officials may at last have to reform or bear the consequences.

    CNN: The Politics, Stupid

  • Summits succeed only if they are thoroughly prepared: remember last May's euro-summit, which took 12 hours merely to choose the boss of the new European Central Bank.

    ECONOMIST: Goodbye to Berlin

  • During a joint interview that aired Sunday, Obama and Clinton chuckled as they described their partnership and stoked speculation that Obama may prefer Clinton to succeed him in the White House after the 2016 elections.

    NPR: Obama Lauds Clinton As She Prepares To Leave

  • These may play a role, but they cannot explain why some reform attempts succeed.

    ECONOMIST: The slow road to reform

  • He may succeed in doing so, because some of those who tell pollsters they oppose him now may eventually vote for him.

    ECONOMIST: France��s presidential election

  • They may not boast the highest GPAs or standardized testing scores, but show a propensity to succeed based on overcoming personal obstacles in their lives.

    FORBES: Why Are Tuition Costs Rising?

  • While new members may join AA to free themselves of alcohol, they very quickly discover that the surest way to succeed is to help others stay sober.

    FORBES: Is Google Simply Wasting Its Money?

  • In a serious bout of deflation, a central bank acting alone may fail to halt deflation, but if a central bank and government act jointly they will surely succeed.

    ECONOMIST: Deflation

  • While I applaud the work of the reformers and think it is a drastic improvement over the status quo, I am increasingly worried they may not be able to find the perfect set of rules that allows centrally planned education systems to succeed at the varied and difficult tasks we require of it, and that anti-reform critics may be, in part, correct.

    FORBES: School Choice vs. High-Stakes-Testing

  • The greens may not be able to stop the Canadians from extracting oil from the Alberta tar sands, but they would succeed in wiping out American coal-fired power.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Carbon Power Politics

  • If they succeed, both the new breed of online brokerages and Wall Street's long-established offline ones may find profits increasingly elusive.

    ECONOMIST: Stockbroking

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