• But what gives the zealots their greatest hope is their reading of the opinion polls.

    ECONOMIST: Abortion and the Republicans

  • Religious and community leaders were invited to Downing Street because they were thought to have some influence over the zealots.

    ECONOMIST: One year on

  • But the zealots who opt to move into Arab districts bring with them the armed support of the Israeli state.

    ECONOMIST: Jerusalem

  • In the meantime Mr Obama is able to look presidential by disregarding the zealots in his own party and embracing compromise.

    ECONOMIST: Taxes, benefits and the deficit

  • Yet the zealots, as Mr Ford calls them, will hardly fade away, muting their voices for the sake of party unity.

    ECONOMIST: Abortion and the Republicans

  • Not even Cambodia's obscure Muslim community has escaped the zealots' attention.

    ECONOMIST: Islam in South-East Asia

  • Instead, the admitted abuse of some beagles (at any given time more than 700 are on site) outraged the U.K. viewing public and gave the zealots their footing.

    FORBES: Fearful financiers

  • The zealots on the Tory backbenches wish it were so.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • But they also tend to bow to the zealots in the party who agitate feverishly and often successfully to unseat in the primaries anyone without a similar gleam in their eyes.

    ECONOMIST: Bickering and stalemate loom for America��s new Congress

  • Indeed, to the extent that radical Islam grew stronger during this encounter, it was not the Sunni zealots of al-Qaeda who benefited but their rival pretenders to leadership of the Muslim world: notably the Shia leaders of Iran and, after the 33-day war with Israel in 2006, Iran's Hizbullah co-religionists in Lebanon.

    ECONOMIST: Gilles Kepel

  • The food zealots provoke these lumbering companies into action.

    ECONOMIST: Organic matter

  • The son of a Hindu father and a Muslim mother, Dutt said the weapons were necessary in order to defend his family during the Hindu-Muslim rioting of 1993 which followed the destruction by Hindu zealots of the Babri mosque in the northern town of Ayodhya.

    BBC: Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt seeks more time before jail

  • The son of a Hindu father and a Muslim mother, Dutt said the weapons were necessary in order to defend his family during the Hindu-Muslim rioting of 1993 which had followed the destruction by Hindu zealots of the Babri mosque in the northern town of Ayodhya.

    BBC: Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt says he will 'return to prison'

  • Wiser Republican heads know already that however impressive the triumph at the polls, the right must not let its zealots prevent the party from showing that at the same time as mounting an effective opposition it can co-operate with Mr Obama when this is in the national interest.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Despite all the low-carb zealots, sliced bread of the sort used to construct peanut butter and jelly sandwiches is still a strong business.


  • The author's insights into Mrs Thatcher's working methods and the strange clique of zealots who provided her with the intellectual confidence to change Britain are fascinating.

    ECONOMIST: English memoirs

  • Once, primaries were essentially family quarrels, as trade unionists jostled with lifestyle liberals for the Democratic nomination and economic conservatives jostled with religious zealots for the Republican.

    ECONOMIST: A declaration on independents

  • Upon coming into office, the anti-nuclear zealots put into senior Administration posts in the Department of Energy, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, State and Defense Departments, Office of Science and Technology Policy and National Security Council saw to it that the United States would forego any further testing.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Vive La France! French Determination To Perform Necessary Nuclear Testing Should Be Wake-Up Call To US

  • Israel's system of proportional voting has given the settlers and zealots a chokehold over politics.

    ECONOMIST: The Arabs and Israel

  • Ahead lie Ukraine, Slovakia and the wild Fergana valley, in Uzbekistan, where tension between Islamic zealots and the government is threatening to turn violent.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • As for Obama being unpopular, the Republicans mistakenly believe that the loud, passionate minority of haters, birthers, and factional zealots like the tea party will convert magically into an electoral majority.

    CNN: What's behind Mitt's meltdown

  • On the face of it, the fact that a number of al Qaeda leaders and operatives and bin Laden family members found shelter in Iran is puzzling, as the Shia theocrats in the Iranian regime are hostile to the Sunni ultra zealots in al Qaeda, and vice versa.

    CNN: Strange bedfellows -- Iran and al Qaeda

  • He knew that his people had little hope against the Army but this is not a thought that has stopped religious zealots in the past, from Masada on. (Had Young somehow found a way to repel that pre-Civil War Army, a large tract of the continent might now be a religious state called Zion.) Something more was at work.

    NEWYORKER: I, Nephi

  • At the time they seemed like zealots who were trying to use what little power they had to obstruct Mr Schwarzenegger and the Democratic majority.

    ECONOMIST: California

  • The drug-safety zealots should return to a purely advisory role so that reviews can proceed more efficiently, scientifically and expeditiously.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Young zealots on the far left did their share of killing.

    ECONOMIST: A swelling tide of nationalism may change Turkish politics

  • Which begs the question: Why are Mitt Romney and global warming zealots yearning for a return to the conditions of the Little Ice Age and the Black Death?

    FORBES: The Black Death: Longing For The Good Old Days

  • And on September 24th a court was due to rule on one of the most divisive issues in Indian politics: the ownership of a disputed site in the northern city of Ayodhya, where in 1992, Hindu zealots demolished a mosque built on the reputed site of a temple marking the birthplace of the god Ram.

    ECONOMIST: Why Delhi��s Commonwealth games fiasco is not all bad news

  • Zealots duly destroyed the mosque in 1992, setting off a round of slaughter in which thousands of people, mostly Muslims, died.

    ECONOMIST: Indecisive India | The

  • But where murderous zealots are concerned, the unthinkable can indeed come to pass.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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