• But the current oil crisis, set against the Global War on Terror, has two novel characteristics.

    CNN: The price of our oil addiction

  • It is not clear which argument will prevail with voters (now, they distinguish between the two conflicts, saying war against Iraq was not worth the cost but supporting the war on terror by wide margins).

    ECONOMIST: Why George Bush needs to be careful, rather than daring

  • No doubt, for Dohrn the unapologetic terrorist, teaching a course on the Palestinian terror war against Israel is like closing a circle.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Terror training grounds

  • Yet the terrorists have made it clear that Iraq is the central front in their war against humanity, and so we must recognize Iraq as the central front in the war on terror.

    NPR: Bush Reaffirms Iraq Strategy

  • They're caught between the U.S., an exceptionally powerful ally that says "you're either with us or against us" in the war on terror, and the Pakistani public, which views the U.S. with deep distrust.

    NPR: Trip to Religious School Offers Window on Pakistan

  • Their provision of money, training and cannon-fodder for the 14-year insurrection against Indian rule in Kashmir brought misery to that land, put Pakistan on the wrong side in the war against terror, and utterly failed in its objectives.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan

  • It has been easier for many EU countries to drag their feet over the NATO effort in Afghanistan, for example, because so many voters see the fight against the Taliban as just another misguided episode in Mr Bush's war on terror.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • In light of the Bush Administration's reported renaming of the Global War on Terror (GWOT) as the Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism (GSAVE), Center for Security Policy President Frank J.


  • The fight against "Islamic" movements is not only on the agenda on America's War on Terror, but that of Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, Somalia, Tunisia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    CNN: Story highlights

  • Not too long ago, Latin America was a vital front in the fight against communism, and if recent events are any guide, it could become equally important in the war on terror.


  • Nonetheless, Western governments need to ask themselves why so many people are ready to believe in supposed conspiracies against Islam, especially after 10 years of the "war on terror", and why it is so easy to get crowds to attack US embassies.

    BBC: Viewpoints: Anti-Islam film and self-censorship

  • During his election campaign, Mr Sharif said he would end Pakistan's involvement in the US-led war on terror, without saying whether that included military operations against the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

    BBC: Pakistan election: Sharif poised to take over as PM

  • But he has since broken with his party and sided with Bush on such issues as tax cuts and his handling of the war against terror.

    CNN: Cheney, accepting party's nod, hails Bush's actions

  • Such introspection would not only reject and mobilize against extremists' fossilized and doomed version of Islam but also against Western-backed brutal dictatorial regimes in the Islamic world that use the war on terror to terrorize their own citizens as well as Western neo-imperial policies and projects.

    CNN: Story highlights

  • In foreign affairs, Bush defined the War on Terror in much the way that Truman shaped thinking about the struggle against communism for decades.

    CNN: Will history be kind to Bush?

  • In terms of the European allies, there has long been a difference between Europe and the United States on how best to pursue the "second phase" of the war against terror.

    CNN: Christiane Amanpour: Bush's 'axis of evil' warning

  • Well, you can say that we are in fairly good shape in the war on terror, but doing very poorly in the war of radical Islam against America and the West.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Seven years since 9/11

  • More significantly, President Bush's praise for Pakistan's leading role in the war against terror may just give General Musharraf the opportunity to wriggle out of a perilous situation on the question of Iraq.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan

  • There is also John Deutch, who, as director of central intelligence for President Clinton, famously kept classified materials on an unsecure home computer and, who, as Michael Ledeen will report in his forthcoming book The War Against the Terror Masters, deliberately changed the CIAs priorities so that warning of a potential surprise attack on America was no longer among them.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: New York Sun Sheds Light on Scowcroft Agenda

  • Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak called on Obama to make his conflict-stricken country a "focal point in the global war against terror, " but urged him to back up military force with investments in economic development and infrastructure.

    CNN: Iran: Ready to work with Obama

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