• The Changing UK research was carried out by a team from the University of Sheffield.

    BBC: Region's changing face of wealth

  • Professor Matthew Flinders, department of politics, the University of Sheffield and Dr Ruth Fox, Hansard Society.

    BBC: Week ahead in Parliament

  • Noel Sharkey, a computer scientist at the University of Sheffield, observes that overly rigid regulations might stifle innovation.

    ECONOMIST: Monitor

  • In February, an independent report by the University of Sheffield, commissioned by the rail firm, showed the figures were correct.

    BBC: Southeastern train franchise extended for two years

  • Prof Keith Burnett, vice-chancellor of the University of Sheffield, has received a knighthood for services to science and higher education.

    BBC: Jessica Ennis appointed CBE in New Year Honours list

  • Jackie Marsh, professor of education at the University of Sheffield, says there needs to be more research done in this area.

    BBC: Does technology hinder or help toddlers' learning?

  • The event, at the University of Sheffield's Bar One, saw some drinks sold at reduced prices and promotional offers on bottles.

    BBC: Bar One

  • The fascinating and spectacular world of renowned showwoman Marisa Carnesky is on display at the University of Sheffield's Western Bank Library.

    BBC: Things to do in South Yorkshire

  • After graduating from the University of Sheffield with a psychology degree, she spent 12 years running the Chinese Arts Centre in Manchester.

    BBC: Rotherham MP Sarah Champion says 'not career politician'

  • Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, told the BBC there was a need for such a pill.

    BBC: Male contraceptive pill 'step closer' after mice studies

  • While Britain and the US record similar data, few others are comparable, says Danny Dorling, professor of human geography in the University of Sheffield.

    BBC: What's the price of DVD players got to do with crime?

  • Philip Wright, a professor at the University of Sheffield, points out that liberalised markets thrive on information that was hidden in the old, vertically-integrated monopolies.

    ECONOMIST: Winter worries mean gas prices have gone haywire

  • Robots aren't bad as add-ons in the classroom, says Noel Sharkey, a professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the University of Sheffield in England.

    CNN: Robot teachers invade South Korean classrooms

  • Dr James Marshall, a computer scientist at the University of Sheffield co-ordinating the project, said simulating a brain was one of the "major challenges" of artificial intelligence.

    BBC: Bee brains help to make robots smarter

  • Professor Harry Moore, of the Centre for Stem Cell Biology at the University of Sheffield, UK, said there were a number of key differences between mice and human testes cells.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Testicle cells may aid research

  • Patrick Seyd, professor of politics at the University of Sheffield, who did the last comprehensive survey of the membership, believes that it could now have fallen as low as 230, 000.

    ECONOMIST: Leadership election: The battle for the Tory party | The

  • Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer at the University of Sheffield and secretary of the British Fertility Society, said some studies had shown an increased risk associated with some assisted reproductive techniques .

    BBC: IVF 'not reason for birth risks'

  • Professor Paul Whiteley of the University of Sheffield calculates that the 17% by-election swing from Labour to Liberal Democrat would be enough, if repeated in May, for the Liberal Democrats to seize Sheffield.

    ECONOMIST: Local politics

  • Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, told the BBC that the idea had been discussed repeatedly but "experiments have never come close to suggesting it might work in humans".

    BBC: Stem cell op may 'restore sperm'

  • But Dr Allan Pacey, a fertility specialist at the University of Sheffield and chair of the British Fertility Society, said the new rules enable donors to be properly compensated for their time, inconvenience and discomfort.

    BBC: Egg sharing cuts Bristol's IVF waiting list

  • Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield said it seemed intuitive that hot baths could contribute to reduced numbers of sperm but it was unclear whether it actually contributed to fertility.

    BBC: Last Updated: Monday, 5 March 2007, 11:20 GMT

  • Marion Petrie and her colleagues at the University of Newcastle and the University of Sheffield tackled this question by studying a couple of hundred of these flighty creatures strutting their stuff at an animal park at Whipsnade, near London.

    ECONOMIST: Team players

  • This is the first study to highlight the effects on mortality of alcohol minimum pricing, although the Scottish government has used previous research from the University of Sheffield to claim consumption of alcohol would be reduced if prices rose.

    BBC: Study claims minimum pricing cuts alcohol-related deaths

  • "The development of different bees from the same DNA in the larvae is one of the clearest examples of epigenetics in action - mechanisms that go beyond the basic DNA sequence, " said co-author Mark Dickman from the University of Sheffield.

    BBC: Honey bees' genetic code unlocked

  • However, Fiona Ford, a research nutritionist from the University of Sheffield, said that in the absence of strong evidence that the same effect was present in humans, it would be wrong to make women feel guilty about eating some unhealthy snacks during pregnancy.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Craving for junk food 'inherited'

  • At the University of Sheffield, where Mossman did his doctoral studies, he and his co-authors measured the heads, midpieces, and flagella of 30 sperm per man, from 103 men randomly selected from a pool of about 500 who were recruited for a larger fertility study.

    FORBES: News for Men: Size Matters When it Comes to Your Swimmers

  • Correction 28 September 2012: The main figure in this story has been amended from 50, 000 to 11, 500 after it emerged that there had been an error in the calculations carried out for Panorama by the School of Health and Related Research at the University of Sheffield.

    BBC: Minimum alcohol price 'would save 11,500 pensioners'

  • The material is the brainchild of University of Sheffield chemist Tony Ryan, aided by British designer Helen Storey and a team from the University of Ulster.

    NEWSWEEK: Business

  • The figure will be exhibited at Sheffield University during celebrations to mark the centenary of the discovery of stainless steel by Sheffield metallurgist Harry Brearley.

    BBC: Sheffield Man of Steel sculpture model unveiled

  • Last October, an independent evaluation of the NDC scheme by researchers from Sheffield Hallam University identified a number of "teething difficulties".


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