• The US Supreme Court is nearing the end of the term, with key decisions still outstanding on public displays of the Ten Commandments, on property rights and on computer file sharing.

    NPR: Possible Vacancy on High Court

  • Or he might assume that, whatever happens, the case will end up with the Supreme Court and simply follow his instincts.

    ECONOMIST: Microsoft in the dock | The

  • The Supreme Court should unambiguously end this subversion of the Constitution, once and for all.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • There are two gay marriage cases being argued before the Supreme Court at the end of the month.

    FORBES: Ellen DeGeneres Speaks Out For Spanish-American War Widowers

  • While a future Congress could, theoretically, bring the Accountable Care Act to an end, and while the Supreme Court may yet destroy part or all of the law before Perry needs to make good on a promise that he cannot possibly keep, the simple fact is that there is really no impact on the law that might result from such an executive order.

    FORBES: Rick Perry Clueless On Use Of Executive Presidential Powers To Kill Obamacare

  • The average age at end of service for the last five Supreme Court justices has, for nearly all of the last two centuries, been above 60, and above 70 for most of the last 30 years of the 19th century, when the average U.S. 40-year-old man's life expectancy was about 65, according to Colgate University economics professor Michael Haines.

    WSJ: Seeking a Survivor for a Lifetime Appointment

  • In the end, the Supreme Court's decision in a case concerning investor lawsuits was not the landmark ruling many thought it would be.

    FORBES: Stoneridge And The Court

  • Bosnian authorities then joined with Interpol and the U.S. to conduct a three-month investigation, at the end of which the Bosnian Supreme Court with the concurrence of the Bosnian prosecutor ruled that the charge was not supported by the evidence.

    NPR: High Court Hears Detainee-Rights Case

  • Whatever happens, the loser will promptly appeal to the Washington State Supreme Court, which will probably get the case at the end of the month.

    ECONOMIST: Washington state politics

  • As we argue in another article, the Supreme Court's ruling might end up affecting the way voters see Mr Bush's victory in Florida, harming his presidency and making the balance of Mr Bush's advantage narrower.

    ECONOMIST: The end, at last

  • Tomorrow the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments that could lead to the end of race-based affirmative action in higher education.

    FORBES: Will Fisher vs. Texas End Affirmative Action, Or Make It More Effective?

  • The campaign to end affirmative action, which advanced this week when the Supreme Court upheld California's law banning it, is painted by the Christian Leadership folk as an attempt to destroy the gains of the civil-rights movement as though an end to racial preferences would somehow remove blacks' entitlement to share white lunch counters, buses and voting rights.

    ECONOMIST: The next King

  • Summers, who is leaving the administration at the end of the year, was referencing a relatively recent Supreme Court decision, in which the justices determined by a 5-4 vote that corporations and unions have the same legal rights as individual citizens when it comes to free speech.

    FORBES: Larry Summers To Corporations: Behave

  • So the hope in the Ministry of Justice is that the draft bill will delay - and ultimately sway - any decision by the Supreme Court on this matter so that Mr McGeoch does not end up with the vote.

    BBC: Votes for prisoners - opening the door?

  • P. anger over the Florida Supreme Court ruling to allow manual recounts, the canvassing board tried an end run around the court's Sunday deadline by deciding to recount only some 11, 000 of Dade's 654, 000 ballots.

    CNN: Mob Scene in Miami

  • Either way, the Supreme Court decision won't be the end of this battle.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • And in the U.S., the landslide election victory of Roosevelt (and of his Democratic party in Congress) at end-1936 followed by the Supreme Court ruling in favour of key New Deal legislation (Spring 1937) had caused deep anxiety about the future of the free enterprise economy.

    FORBES: Despair and Hope Beyond Chairman Bernanke's Monetary Cliff

  • Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, called fruitlessly on all factions to end their feuding.

    ECONOMIST: Resolution of sorts

  • How can you stay confident when this could end up in front of the Roberts Supreme Court?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Dr Fowler's model shows that, until the end of the 18th century, the Supreme Court's opinions rarely cited previous Supreme Court opinions.

    ECONOMIST: Statistical modelling

  • The U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule on an appeal of Sotomayor's decision by the end of its current term in June.

    CNN: GOP lawmakers: Sotomayor filibuster unlikely

  • Since several states are wrestling with this issue, Fakhoury expects it will likely end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.


  • India's Supreme Court has rejected a plea to end the life of a woman who has been in a vegetative state since 1973.

    BBC: India court rejects Aruna Shanbaug euthanasia plea

  • If it receives bankruptcy protection, the city begins a months-long process of negotiations over debt repayment that some say could end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.

    NPR: Stockton Bankruptcy Decision Only The Beginning

  • That could spark a legal war among regulators, cable and broadcasters and may end up at the U.S. Supreme Court, which sometimes takes a dim view of federal statutes intended to curb indecency.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In debate on the issue this week, Democrats noted the Supreme Court ruled on June 28 to uphold the health care law's constitutionality, which they said should end talk of repeal and instead inspire bipartisan efforts to address the nation's weak economic recovery.

    CNN: House Republicans vote, again, to repeal health care law

  • Depending on what you read, your take was either that we were approaching the end of the world wherein President Obama and the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) had bankrupted us or that this was the best thing that could ever happen to us.

    FORBES: CBO Claims Health Care Act Now Saves Taxpayers $84 Billion

  • Supreme Court Justice David Souter is planning to retire at the end of the current court term.

    NPR: Supreme Court Justice Souter To Retire

  • Well, it appears that our days as a species of lording supreme in the world of chess have pretty definitively come to an end.

    ENGADGET: Computer beats world chess champion, moving on to poker and go

  • Therefore, I consider it right to announce right now, without waiting for the end of the election campaign, the composition of the supreme executive body of state authority, which will have to assume its part of the responsibility for the further development of our country.

    BBC: Mr Putin is to name a new head of government

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