• Opponents see this as a way for Islamists force out judges in high courts, including the Supreme Constitutional Court.

    NPR: Egypt's Opposing Parties Argue Over Judiciary

  • The Cairo Administrative Court said the electoral law promulgated by President Mohammed Morsi needed to be reviewed by the Supreme Constitutional Court.

    BBC: Egypt court suspends April parliamentary elections

  • In one ruling Thursday, the Supreme Constitutional Court found that the rules governing January's parliamentary elections were invalid, triggering the dissolution of parliament.


  • The move comes after a court ruled that the electoral law backed by President Mohammed Morsi needed to be reviewed by the Supreme Constitutional Court.

    BBC: Egypt election body scraps voting dates - state TV

  • Two days earlier, the Supreme Constitutional Court ruled that last year's legislative polls were unconstitutional because party members were allowed to contest seats in the lower house reserved for independents.

    BBC: Egypt's army vows to hand power to elected president

  • The Supreme Constitutional Court was established in 1969 and has exclusive jurisdiction to decide questions regarding the constitutionality of laws and regulations as well as negative and positive conflicts of jurisdiction.

    UNESCO: Database 4: Legislation and guidelines

  • Analysts say the Supreme Constitutional Court is considered partial to the regime headed by Mubarak, in which the military played a pivotal role -- and its perceived failure to maintain judicial independence could spark renewed anger.


  • Morsi's historic swearing-in took place amid tight security before the Supreme Constitutional Court and was overseen by the military rulers who have been in control of the country since a popular revolution ousted President Hosni Mubarak last year.

    CNN: New Egypt president takes on military over parliament

  • The administrative court said it had ordered the elections to be suspended because the Islamist-dominated upper house of parliament, the Shura Council, had not returned the electoral law to the Supreme Constitutional Court for final review after amending it in February.

    BBC: Egypt court suspends April parliamentary elections

  • In addition, the elected parliament was dissolved by the anachronistic supreme constitutional court, and the new constitution was hurriedly drafted and done so through a top-down, elite-driven, non-participatory process.

    CNN: Africa's rocky road to democracy

  • Nevertheless, for the first time the Supreme Court recognized the constitutional basis for executive privilege.


  • One of the signatories was the lawyer who successfully argued the Supreme Court case giving constitutional protections to the enemy combatants.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama, cop-killers and the cops

  • Musharraf was re-elected president in October, but the election is not yet legally official, because the Supreme Court is hearing constitutional challenges to Musharraf's eligibility filed by the opposition.

    CNN: Pakistan under martial law

  • We know the Affordable Care Act is constitutional and are confident the Supreme Court will agree.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Takes On Obamacare Challenge

  • The MCA was a serious and painstaking compromise under the constitutional guidance of the Supreme Court's Hamdan decision, but the anti-antiterror lobby including candidate Obama maintained it was an affront to American values.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Obama Ratifies Bush

  • The Supreme Court then accepted an appeal against the Constitutional Court's decision, on procedural grounds.

    ECONOMIST: A former dictator divides a struggling democracy

  • And he is confident that both the Affordable Care Act, under the 80-plus years of precedent, is constitutional, and that the Supreme Court will agree with him, as did lower courts in opinions put forward by very prominent, conservative judges.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The Scaf then issued a decree on Friday dissolving parliament in line with a Supreme Constitutional Court ruling that the law on elections to the lower house was invalid because party members had been allowed to contest seats reserved for independents.

    BBC: Muslim Brotherhood's Mursi declared Egypt president

  • The Opinion of the United States Supreme Court upholding the entirety of ObamaCare as Constitutional is here.

    FORBES: The Power of Framing: ObamaCare Individual Mandate Upheld as a Tax

  • The election is not yet legally official -- the country's Supreme Court is hearing constitutional challenges to Musharraf's eligibility filed by the opposition -- but the next five-year presidential term is scheduled to begin November 15.

    CNN: Pakistan braces for Bhutto return

  • Whether the veto will prove constitutional when it is challenged in the Supreme Court is quite another matter.

    ECONOMIST: President and Congress

  • If the Supreme Court declares a constitutional right to marriage other than one-man, one-woman, then all traditional marriage laws in all 50 states will be invalid, and there will be a serious debate (already in a lower federal court) of whether polygamists also have a constitutional right to national recognition.

    CNN: Court, let voters decide on gay marriage

  • Like in 1937, when the Supreme Court declared that the Social Security tax was constitutional, the court's ruling on health care gave Obama's program a legitimacy that undercut some of the thunder coming from the right.

    CNN: Health care will be an Obama legacy

  • This will be far cheaper than the cost of fighting a losing constitutional battle all the way to the Supreme Court and the Governor can save the lives of some 100 people previously approved but now being denied the transplants.

    FORBES: Arizona Birther Bill Awaits Governor's Signature Into Law

  • Much as Scalia and his cohorts would like to legislate -- or dictate -- from the bench, the Supreme Court can only decide if a law is constitutional.

    CNN: Challenge to Voting Rights Act ignores reality

  • The men said they were "disappointed" but would now apply for a hearing at the US Supreme Court because the case "addresses issues of major constitutional importance for Americans".

    BBC: Boston College IRA tapes case to go to US Supreme Court

  • The judgment also reversed a trend of the past few decades, which has seen courts, including the Supreme Court, extend many of the constitutional rights enjoyed by citizens to aliens too.

    ECONOMIST: Immigration

  • The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last week that the mandate is constitutional under Congress' taxing power.

    CNN: Fehrnstrom's sharp quips, elbows help Romney

  • Members of the jury pool were sent home after the Maine Supreme Judicial Court stopped the closed process in response to a constitutional challenge by the Portland Press Herald.

    NPR: Judge Must Open Jury Selection In Maine Zumba Case

  • Batasuna can appeal the Supreme Court ruling to Spain's top tribunal, the Constitutional Court, but the ban on Batasuna is due to take effect in the coming days even if there is an appeal.

    CNN: Basque independence party banned

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