• The San Francisco AIDS Foundation last year gave away more than two million free needles.

    CNN: Congresswoman urges end to federal funding ban

  • The installation is no longer physically at San Francisco, but the Imaginary Foundation has created the next best thing: a virtual art exhibit, which enables you to explore the installation and the art therein.

    FORBES: Virtual Art Exhibit Explores the Connection Between Art and Science

  • Your capital is riding on the faith and credit of the Asian Art Museum Foundation of San Francisco, National Public Radio, the Southern California Metropolitan Water District and something connected to the Shorewood Apartments, among other entities.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In 1993, Shorenstein established the Gorbachev Foundation in San Francisco with former Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev.

    FORBES: Walter Shorenstein, Real Estate Magnate, Dies at 95

  • In the spring of 1995, the Trauma Foundation, a nonprofit based at San Francisco General Hospital published an issue of its Injury Prevention Network Newsletter, partly funded by the CDC, that suggested actions that could be taken by those concerned with gun violence.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Ditto's predicament has attracted the attention of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco nonprofit that is focused on digital-rights issues and is actively working to change federal legislation to curb patent abuse.

    WSJ: Startups' Secret: More Are Facing Patent Suits

  • In the United States, where many cloud companies are based, legal standards make it much easier for law enforcement to obtain data for criminal or other investigations, said Kevin Bankston, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco-based digital rights group.

    CNN: How safe is cloud computing?

  • "Congress wants harsh penalties doled out for these crimes because they don't want people defacing websites, but there has to be a way that we can bring the law into harmony with the realities of how people use technology today, " said Hanni Fakhoury, an attorney at the San Francisco-based nonprofit Electronic Frontier Foundation.

    WSJ: LA Times hack: Security breach or harmless prank?

  • The Silicon Valley Community Foundation issues grants for a host of causes in the San Francisco area.

    CNN: Facebook's Zuckerberg is nation's No. 2 charitable donor

  • Her tutor, Francine Patterson, will translate questions between AOL users and Koko - who will be logged on at the Foundation research centre near San Francisco where she lives.

    BBC: News | Sci/Tech | Net goes bananas

  • Jennifer Lynch, a lawyer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a group based in San Francisco that keeps a watch on how digital technology encroaches on civil freedoms, also questions the quality of the data.

    ECONOMIST: Biometric data and the Afghan war

  • The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), an organization based in San Francisco which supports civil liberties in digital arenas, is providing a legal defense that cites, among other issues, fair use.

    CNN: Focus on the DeCSS trial

  • Daniel Lurie, CEO and founder of Tipping Point, a San Francisco-based foundation working to reduce poverty in the Bay Area, says the nonprofit's user base has broadened significantly over its seven-year history.

    WSJ: The Tech Moguls Who Gave Big in 2012

  • Among those pressing Congress to take action is the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a digital rights group based in San Francisco.

    FORBES: The $29 Billion Tax On Innovation

  • One partner, the Latino Community Foundation, is working through a network of eight community groups in the San Francisco Bay Area to provide digital literacy classes in Spanish to involve parents in their children education and help them find work.

    WHITEHOUSE: Driving Broadband Adoption in the Latino Community

  • Berkeley Foundation, the Bay Area Council, the Walter A. Haas School of Business and the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.

    FORBES: Warren Hellman, San Francisco Private Equity Pioneer, Dies At 77

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