• Kazmierczak also was vice president of the university's Academic Criminal Justice Association, according to the group's Web site, and worked on a paper on self-injury in prisons with the group's current president.

    CNN: University shooter interested in 'peace and social justice'

  • Among the other documents that were released Friday were some that showed the group's former second-in-command testified he discovered that Maciel, the order's founder, had fathered a daughter in 2006, but never confronted Maciel about his double life and didn't share the news with the group's broader membership.

    NPR: RI Records: Relatives Worried About Catholic Widow

  • Several people were killed in the clashes, a direct result of the SLA's anger at the rival group's participation in the negotiations.

    ECONOMIST: Trouble in Sudan's Darfur region

  • The new songs performed here demonstrate the latest musical directions of Zap Mama, although "Swinging Sisters, " which is a new arrangement of a song from the group's debut, is a tribute to the group's original vocal sound.

    NPR: Zap Mama: New 'ReCreations' In The Studio

  • After meeting Tuesday in an emergency summit, the Arab League issued a statement suspending Libya's participation in the body's meetings and all the group's agencies.


  • Most of the group's funding comes from foundations, not the government, according to Mr. Dulchin and the group's tax filings.

    WSJ: City Grant Aids Christine Quinn Housing Plan

  • An All Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Anti-Semitism in 2006 said the group's rhetoric was frequently extremist and one of the group's founding members, Asghar Bukhari has said that any Muslim who fights and dies against Israel is a martyr who will be "granted paradise".

    BBC: Phil Woolas defends campaign tactics as appeal fails

  • One of the group's 25 business units, Alibaba.com, an e-commerce platform for small businesses, went public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2007, before Mr. Ma took it private again last year. (The rest of the group's units, including Taobao, Tmall and Alipay, have never gone public.) The financial crisis hurt Alibaba.com, he says, and it needed major changes.

    WSJ: Weekend Confidential: Jack Ma of Alibaba

  • "The town of Steubenville has been good at keeping this quiet and their star football team protected, " an Anonymous member wearing the group's trademark Guy Fawkes mask says in a video posted to the group's LocalLeaks website.

    CNN: Defense battles social media blizzard in Ohio rape case

  • Managers say that tax inspectors have raided the group's warehouses to check newsprint stocks, supposedly to see if the papers' circulation conformed to figures in the group's tax statements.

    ECONOMIST: Newspaper fears in Pakistan

  • Since Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah brokered the Fatah terror group's surrender to the Hamas terror group last month, everyone who was anyone whispered the same questions: How would the terrorists finesse the existence of Israel in a government platform that refuses to recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Your money and your life

  • EPP, which is likely to remain the parliament's biggest political group, has rewritten its statutes so as to accommodate the British Tories, who explicitly reject the group's traditional federalism.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • But, Professor Harris, I mean, again, what's the answer to the argument that if that is indeed the group of people where crime is most present, then that's the appropriate group of people to subject to this level of scrutiny?

    NPR: The Difficulties Of Proving Racial Profiling

  • On Thursday, Algeria's foreign minister walked out of a meeting of the committee tasked with overseeing Syria's implementation of the group's plan.

    WSJ: Arab League Moves Closer to Syria Sanctions

  • Here's the group's guidance.

    CNN: Breast 'awareness' trumps self-exams, docs say

  • But Joanna Weschler, the group's U.N. representative, said the commission was turning into an "abuser solidarity" group without the U.S. presence.

    CNN: Rumsfeld: Ungrateful world kicks U.S. off rights panel

  • Earlier, the Taliban's leadership announced that the group's annual "spring offensive" would begin on Sunday.

    BBC: South Afghanistan plane crash kills four Isaf personnel

  • The show drew mainly five-star reviews from critics, with The Guardian's Alexis Petridis praising the group's "utterly captivating" performance.

    BBC: Kraftwerk kick off Tate Modern retrospective

  • The women's group that sued over the age limits said Tuesday's action is not enough, and it will continue the court fight if necessary.

    NPR: FDA: Morning-After Pill OK For Ages 15 And Up

  • Over a picture of Obama, the video's narrator says that the group's mission is to stop politicians from using sensitive intelligence about the bin Laden raid and other clandestine programs for political benefit.

    CNN: Both sides using Rove's campaign strategy this year

  • The United States, a staunch ally of Rwanda's government, blocked the immediate release of the group's evidence, but Congo's government decided to go public, questioning the West's continuing sympathy for the regime in Kigali.

    ECONOMIST: Congo and Rwanda: Stop messing each other up | The

  • The right's group's local affiliate, the Syrian Red Crescent, on Friday evacuated 27 people from Homs.

    WSJ: Some Syrians Vote, as Others Are Attacked

  • Portugal's 7-0 thrashing of North Korea in their previous match ensured that despite this defeat, and the Ivory Coast's 3-0 victory over the North Koreans in the group's other game, they progressed to the knockout stages in South Africa as runners-up.

    BBC: Portugal 0-0 Brazil

  • She grasps the Virgin at the knees, beginning a clockwise oval of hot color the Magdalene's vermilion robe to the orange in Mary's group, to the very warm off-white of the man on the left-hand ladder, to the red-orange garments along the top of the cross, and back down to the weeping man's molten vanilla robe.

    WSJ: Il Rosso Fiorentino | Deposition | A Maelstrom of Grief | Masterpiece by Peter Plagens

  • Hamad is both the director of Hamas's al-Aksa television station and the terror group's "minister" of the interior and national security.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Lord McCluskey chaired the Supreme Court Review Group set up by the first minister and the group's report concluded that the UK Supreme Court should continue to have a role but with limited jurisdiction.

    BBC: Scotland Bill Committee 2

  • Al Qaeda has received severe blows in recent years: a contingent of U.S. Navy SEALs killed the group's leader, Osama bin Laden, two years ago, while CIA drone strikes have decimated al Qaeda's ranks in Pakistan's tribal regions, and the group hasn't pulled off an attack in the West since the suicide bombings on the London transportation system in 2005.

    CNN: Syria rebel group's dangerous tie to al Qaeda

  • Mr Savimbi's base is among the country's biggest group, the Ovimbundu, whose consent will be needed by any government that hopes to bring stability to Angola.

    ECONOMIST: Angola��s endless war

  • Now the photos are posted on former CNN staffer Springer's blog and the group's Facebook page.

    CNN: Landmark handstands and other photo traditions

  • Creed, who have been hugely successful in the US charts for more than a year, won four prizes - Song of the Year, for Higher, Welcome to the Big Time, Group of the Year and 2 for 2, reflecting the success of the group's second album, Human Clay.

    BBC: Mark Tremonti(l), Scott Stapp, Scott Phillips of Creed

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