• This, combined with the ousted regime's expertise in concealment and deception, makes chance discoveries unlikely.

    ECONOMIST: Weapons of mass destruction

  • Mr. Morsi can credit his victory in part to secular Egyptians who voted against his rival, who once swore loyalty to the ousted regime of Hosni Mubarak.

    WSJ: In Cairo,Drowning Fears in Beer and Tattoo Ink

  • They have also used their parliamentary strength to mount a counterthrust, rushing to enact a law that would ban officials from the ousted regime of Hosni Mubarak from politics.

    ECONOMIST: Rules tie Egypt��s politics in knots

  • Since then, Libya has been hit by a wave of bombings - often blamed on militant Islamists or Gaddafi loyalists - and battles between rival militias who fought the ousted regime.

    BBC: Benghazi blast an 'accident', Libya ministers say

  • Yet equally it challenges the conservative remnants of the ousted regime, whose interests are still protected by the generals who assumed power in February, after the fall of President Hosni Mubarak.

    ECONOMIST: Egypt��s election

  • Mr. Maliki's stated efforts to appease protesters' demands which include releasing female prisoners, reforming antiterrorism laws that Sunnis say unfairly target their minority and relaxing political restrictions on former members of the ousted regime mostly remain stalled in Iraq's divided parliament.

    WSJ: Violence Kills Scores in Iraq

  • He pointed to strides made in Afghanistan after the United States ousted the Taliban regime, such as women attending school.

    CNN: Bush battles for Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan

  • Initial investigations showed a link between the cell and the ousted Baath regime, he said.

    CNN: Iraq says ex-Baathist confesses to Finance Ministry attack

  • Initial investigations show a link between the cell and the ousted Baath regime of Saddam Hussein, Atta said.

    CNN: Iraq: Arrests made in ministry truck bombings

  • Ismail Khan has accused his rival of allying himself with remnants of the ousted Taleban regime, while Amanullah Khan is pressing for Pashtun representation in Herat's government.

    BBC: Kabul seeks peace in Afghan west

  • They are quick to point to successes in the past, such as Corazon Aquino's "People Power" in the Philippines, which ousted the corrupt regime of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, or, more recently, the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Game-changing chance

  • Once the U.S. ousted the Taliban regime in late 2001, a small team sent to reopen the embassy discovered the church's existence.

    WSJ: Afghan Church Endures Amid War and Strife

  • As the U.S.-led coalition withdraws in coming years, the move against young musicians is one sign Afghanistan is backsliding on basic rights acquired following the 2001 U.S.-led invasion that ousted the Taliban regime, which considered music un-Islamic and banned it.

    WSJ: Young Afghans Face Backlash Over Music

  • Its leader Helen Zille said it looked as if the South Africans were in CAR to defend the regime of ousted President Francois Bozize.

    BBC: Zuma tribute to South Africa troops killed in CAR

  • Recently some people critical of Morsy's government have been arrested or brought in for questioning, a tactic critics have said is reminiscent of the ousted Hosni Mubarak regime.

    CNN: Prosecutors question 'Egypt's Jon Stewart'

  • However, after the Taleban regime was ousted three years ago, Ms Kakar went back to the police - and was instantly given the same job as before.

    BBC: Kandahar's woman detective

  • French green MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit accused the EU of being "scared" of challenging the regime of the ousted president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, during a debate on 17 January 2011.

    BBC: EU accused of lack of action on Tunisia

  • As the Afghan Taliban's justice minister, Mullah Turabi was one of the most prominent members of the regime before it was ousted in late 2001.

    BBC: Asia

  • He was sentenced to life in prison in absentia on terrorism charges by the regime of ousted president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel and Arab Democracy

  • Neither had been favored by the revolutionaries responsible for toppling Mubarak -- and some fear a win for former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik will mean the ousted strongman's regime lives on in a different guise.

    CNN: For Mubarak, once Egypt's strongman, a long fall from grace

  • Over the past three days, militiamen stormed the headquarters of the Interior Ministry and state-run TV and besieged the Foreign Ministry while publicly calling for the removal of Gadhafi-era officials from government posts and the passage of the so-called "isolation law, " which would bar from political life anyone who held any position even minor under the ousted autocrat's regime.

    NPR: Storming Ministries, Libya's Militias Put Pressure

  • The US Government designated the prisoners - accused of having links to Afghanistan's ousted Taleban regime or al-Qaeda - as "enemy combatants", not lawful members of a national army who would have been considered prisoners of war, protected under the Geneva Conventions and released at the end of hostilities.

    BBC: NEWS | Americas | Q&A: Guantanamo hearings

  • More significant was last month's meeting in Geneva between Hassan Turabi, the regime's ideologue, and Sadiq el Mahdi, an ousted prime minister who is now the opposition's leading light.

    ECONOMIST: Sudan loses its chains

  • "I believe El Deeb coordinates with former members of the regime and Mubarak's family to fuel some sympathy for the ousted president, " Abu Bakr said.

    CNN: Don't disrespect a war hero, say pro-Mubarak supporters

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