• These are produced by consultants from federal universities belonging to the Literacy Teacher Training network and serve as the basis for official accreditation of learning outcomes.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Brazil

  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has redoubled its efforts in the past year toward literacy, the training of teachers, and the establishment of school statistics.


  • The aim of this programme was to create a model that would make it possible to forge a link between literacy and the socio-economic integration of neo-literate women by way of a post-literacy training programme to consolidate the literacy skills acquired and prepare them to run micro-projects.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Morocco

  • These seals and certificates are designed to encourage states and municipalities to prioritise the provision of literacy training opportunities.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Brazil

  • Hence, the provision of appropriate literacy training to children in their formative years has a long-term effect on their entire educational performance.

    UNESCO: Reading Together

  • Thus, apart from consolidating the learners' literacy skills, the PLP also endeavours to empower them through functional literacy learning and vocational training.

    UNESCO: National Literacy Programme (NLP)

  • The grant would provide national NGOs with funds for the establishment of community learning centers for literacy and life skills training in Iraq in partnership with national authorities and the Ministry of Education during the upcoming 2011-2012 school year.


  • The Youth Zone will support an additional 250 NEETS (not in education, employment, or training), and the shop will also offer pre-employment training, literacy and numeracy support.

    BBC: Coventry job shop reopens in larger premises

  • Resources and tools on the site can be used to teach and help develop digital literacy skills including lesson plans, online training tools, and train-the-trainer materials.

    WHITEHOUSE: Digital Literacy Initiative Aims to Help Americans Build Online Skills | The White House

  • The report also says the government should commission online training courses for teachers to help them find the right techniques for teaching literacy.

    BBC: Teacher training to spot dyslexia

  • The innovative Literacy Through Poetry Project (LTPP) was initiated to address these challenges and thus to promote literacy skills training through an adult-friendly form of pedagogy based on the story-telling and poetic creativeness of the Yemenis.

    UNESCO: Literacy Through Poetry (LTPP)

  • Apart from empowering teachers from the Zithobeni community, the training will also test some models of UNESCO's Draft Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Curriculum in order to subsequently adapt it for the needs of rural communities.


  • Working in primary schools in poor neighbourhoods, he also contributed to literacy training for adults and education for the visually handicapped.


  • To this end, the PLP emphasise training in, for example, literacy (mathematics, English, Urdu), health, agriculture (crop, fish, poultry and livestock production), life skills (peace-building, conflict management and resolution), food processing and preservation and dressmaking.

    UNESCO: National Literacy Programme (NLP)

  • "We now offer the whole package - literacy, numeracy and a meaningful vocational training, " he said.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Kent | Kent prison standards criticised

  • They also have been less exposed to insurance products and thus require literacy training before they can trust and understand the benefits of the products.

    FORBES: Micro-insurance: A Macro Innovation

  • In addition, DLOs and RLOs are responsible for implementing the programme in their regions and districts by recruiting and training literacy promoters (teachers).

    UNESCO: National Literacy Programme in Namibia

  • The toolkit will be used in different pilot training activities supporting 245 literacy and non-formal education facilitators all over Iraq.

    UNESCO: Protect, Prevent, Respect: Empower

  • The conference was followed by a training session on media and information literacy, attended by information professionals from public institutions of Morocco.


  • The Legislature provided little guidance, no funding for materials or teacher training when it passed the law in 2007 requiring Bible literacy to be taught starting in the 2009-2010 school year.

    FORBES: Obama vs. God in Texas classrooms

  • Be one of its first customers for the full menu of nutrition, productivity, negotiation, tech and financial literacy training.

    FORBES: Connect

  • However, progress towards the other goals has been much slower, notably early childhood care and education, youth and adult learning, vocational education and training, gender equality and literacy, as well as the quality of education.

    UNESCO: Education Ministers commit to achieve Education for All

  • To this end, NOCEAD has established community-based continuing education centres (CECs) and community learning centres (CLC) where literacy and vocational training classes and community development activities are undertaken through the coordination of field facilitators.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Viet Nam

  • Young children have been helped to acquire basic literacy skills before being enrolled into the formal primary school system while, on the other hand, youths and adults have benefitted from basic literacy and vocational skills training.

    UNESCO: Community Library and Resource Centres

  • The education system should include specialized training in ICTs, and in media and information literacy (MIL).

    UNESCO: World Press Freedom Day 2012

  • Mobile phones are changing the way we learn and have increasingly become a powerful tool for accessing information such as literacy training, educational and employment opportunities.

    UNESCO: Education

  • This event comes as one of the many ways UNESCO seeks to promote the importance of Literacy and recognizing those who work hard to spread literacy and attract adult learners to the 172 community development centers that also provide adult education program, focusing on literacy and vocational training.


  • Our enterprise support enables agricultural businesses to grow and thrive, provide agronomic training and literacy, health and other social programs, while building infrastructure in the countryside.

    FORBES: How Entrepreneurs Can Fight Drug Traffickers

  • The discussions continued on efforts in literacy for women and girls, progress in terms of gender equality, the development of technical and vocational training for the employability of youth, culture and its link to development.


  • Most important, as the resources on this Web portal expand we expect additional content from broadband grantees who are developing and implementing digital literacy training programs in their communities.

    WHITEHOUSE: Digital Literacy Initiative Aims to Help Americans Build Online Skills | The White House

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