• The Nest (covered in branches), the Blue Cone (which is actually painted red) and the UFO (a spaceship skewered by pines) all have enough room to sleep a family of four.

    CNN: Modern design meets nature with Sweden's Treehotel

  • These birds are noted for the elaborate covered nests which hang like bags from the branches of trees that the males build to attract females.

    ECONOMIST: Evolutionary biology

  • Stand in an orchard as the glow of late afternoon is filtered through the laden branches, sending a lattice of pale shadow onto the fruit-covered floor, and it is easy to understand why the orchard holds an elevated place in British mythology.

    BBC: England's West Country: Still the apple of our eye

  • Isaac has left its mark in the form of downed trees, curbs covered in branches and other detritus, a few twisted stoplights and bent signs.

    FORBES: New Orleans Getting Back To Business after Hurricane Isaac

  • The blizzard died down, leaving the mountains as randomly covered with snow as if a blind woman had thrown a sheet over them, the upper branches of the forest pines limed, creaking, swollen with the fall.

    NEWYORKER: Once Upon a Time

  • At the end of a sandy track leading out of town into the surrounding scrubland, in a house made of rough-hewn branches covered in clay, Lucia Vieira looks after her two children while her husband is out earning a mere 5 reais a day as a farm labourer.

    ECONOMIST: Three square meals a day

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