• She added that Burger King believed hamburgers can be part of a balanced diet.

    BBC: You are in: Health

  • Nobody can be quite sure that in a corner, confronting what it believed to be existential peril, Israel will not act alone if necessary.

    ECONOMIST: Be very afraid, please

  • And I have never believed that simple discounting can be an adequate tool for potentially catastrophic outcomes 50 or more years ahead.

    ECONOMIST: Tony Blair

  • The Prime Minister told the Sunday Politics East this week that coalition can be frustrating at times but he believed it was right for the country.

    BBC: Dorries warns Cameron of possible leadership challenge

  • Or are Suhail Khan's blithe assurances that Shariah is consistent with a "religion of peace" and no danger to America, nothing more than a program that Muslims can interpret however they wish, to be believed?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The other debate: Frank Gaffney vs. Suhail Khan

  • This is why it should not be believed that any party or interest can deliver a new future.

    FORBES: Political Will Key to Anticipating Outcomes for Egypt and Beyond

  • They believed -- they believed, and I believe that we can be better.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama: Memorial in Arizona

  • Unfortunately this is also the case with most media houses women representation as it is still believed that there are certain issues that can only be covered by men and not women.


  • Organisers say the National Eisteddfod can be traced back to 1176 when it is believed that the first festival was held by Lord Rhys, at his castle in Cardigan.

    BBC: Disease precautions at Eisteddfod

  • Black holes are believed to be so dense that not even light can escape their gravitational pull once it crosses over its theoretical border, known as the event horizon.

    CNN: Black holes in a new light

  • Manchester United declined to comment on Hargreaves' current level of fitness, but it is believed that his injury is so delicate it can only be monitored on a day-to-day basis and stepping up the intensity of his rehabilitation programme could have potentially disastrous ramifications.

    BBC: Hargreaves faces career concerns

  • Mikhail Bakunin, for example, who believed that without inner freedom for the individual, society can be neither free nor fair.

    ECONOMIST: Anastasia Baburova

  • The French have long believed that part of the reason for the eurozone crisis can be laid at the door of a poorly regulated financial services sector.

    FORBES: Don't Blame David Cameron For Opting Out Of The Euro Deal

  • If the mainstream philosophical consensus is to be believed, Rand was wrong to claim that this dispute can be resolved objectively by an appeal to reasoned argument from uncontroversial axioms.

    FORBES: What Was Ayn Rand Wrong About?

  • And signalling his intention to fight on the Blairite centre ground he said that with the Lib Dems in coalition with the Tories he believed Labour can be a "great unifying force on all shades of centre left opinion in this country".

    BBC: Labour leadership contest: Runners and riders

  • It conducted tests of nuclear explosives in 2006 and 2009 and is believed to possess a small number of nuclear bombs, though none that can be transported by missiles.

    WSJ: North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il Is Dead

  • Reasonable people can come to different conclusions about the extent of the rights that should be enjoyed by people believed to be among the most dangerous Islamofascist terrorists on the planet.


  • For the past 20 years we've believed that no war will be launched as long as each side knows it can retaliate with a deadly counterstrike.

    CNN: State of the Union Address

  • It is believed by researchers that children with dyslexia might show signs of unusual eye movements, which can be detected by equipment developed for jet pilots.

    BBC: Hi-tech help for special needs

  • All I can assure everyone is if we thought and believed that this would detract from the area we wouldn't be doing it.

    BBC: Aerial view of Treyarnon Bay

  • Coleridge believed (if such a searching and puzzling mind can ever be summed up), that all creation, especially man himself, was suffused with God, and that imagination was a function of the divine power, a recovered memory of a higher state.

    ECONOMIST: English poets

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