• Igzo (indium gallium zinc oxide) screens have higher translucency than standard TFT (thin film transistor) LCDs, meaning they are better at letting light pass through them.

    BBC: HTC and Sharp unveil devices with next-generation screens

  • The two companies are at the forefront of this technology which is tipped to replace TFT (thin film transistor) LCDs because OELDs can be made thinner and use less power while delivering a picture that is as good if not better as a TFT.

    CNN: Flat panel displays big at CeBIT

  • Chin's division has won several design awards, including one for its Yepp MP3 player, its digital still camera and its flat-screen TFT-LCD (thin film transistor) monitor, which also acts as a TV.

    FORBES: Look out, Sony

  • Rather, it's a reflective display that uses a PNLC (Polymer Networked Liquid Crystal) module for improved brightness, and HR-TFT (high-reflective thin film transistor) technology to add contrast.


  • Asked whether he foresees a supply problem with thin-film transistor (TFT) screens, in light of reports that vendors cannot keep up with demand for the products, Sanchez said that IBM has "ample supply sources" for the screens.

    CNN: Notebook prices to flatten, IBM says

  • Lee Keun Joo, a senior analyst at Daewoo Securities, predicts a steady 21% rise in annual revenues until 1999, thanks to telecommunications and Hyundai's thin-film transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) operations.

    CNN: The Chips Are Still Down

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