Another recent example was the tempest in a teapot about the Instagram Terms of Service.
The Watergate and Teapot Dome investigations proceeded without the benefit of such a law.
Harding on the economy in 1924 but not on the Teapot Dome scandal.
He believes that all of the current hubbub will eventually amount to a tempest in a teapot.
The Teetotal Teapot reveals a huge amount about the impact of the industrial revolution on the working classes, says Emma.
"It strikes me that this is a tempest in a teapot, " said Gene Wood, who voted for Akin and plans to vote for him again.
It is a great place to find that teapot from the British administration, minus the spout no doubt, or the date palm that you always wanted.
All this is kind of a tempest in a teapot, but also because with the extended followup data, the discussion isn't even about the current data.
Now, understand that this particular teapot, from JCPenney's exclusive Michael Graves Design collection, quickly went viral after images of the billboard appeared on Reddit and Twitter.
You can just feel the pressure building inside the teapot.
FORBES: Tea Party Boils Over Proposed NYC Ban On Sugar Drinks
Recollections of the SAS invasion strategy were graphically illustrated over the tea table with the cups and saucers, sugar bowl, milk jug and teapot used as landmarks to describe the scene.
And so you wonder - if developing countries are serious about getting an agreement here, why would they submit demands that have as much chance of success as a chocolate teapot?
From their long experience of scandals and quasi-scandals, from Teapot Dome through Watergate and Iran-contra, Americans should have acquired a decent grasp of what is corrupt political behaviour and what is not.
ECONOMIST: The bad and the not-so-bad in America's fundraising mess
Back to the teapot: It didn't take long for motorists on Southern California's 405 freeway -- where evening plans go to die -- to notice something in the sky that looked a little unusual.
Although doctors have long known that a saline solution can help unclog sinuses, the practice has gotten a newfound popularity with the "neti pot, " a teapot-shaped container that flushes a saline solution through the nose --in one nostril and out the other, taking with it mucus and rinsing away irritants.