• These people need to take some money off the table and spread the winnings around.

    FORBES: Are You Blinded By Your Love Of Apple?

  • As he returned to the pool table, a warmth spread from his belly through his chest and into his massive shoulders.

    NEWYORKER: Ziggurat

  • But looking at a map spread on a table I already knew.

    NPR: My Home Is New Orleans

  • All of the players come to the table with the ability to spread the games over a swath of cable channels and Internet properties.

    FORBES: Let the (Olympic Bidding) Games Begin

  • "We have come top of the table because of the international spread of our business and multi-brand business model and not because of any tax initiative, " he added.

    BBC: Tax havens: Is the tide turning?

  • Mr Bafilemba points to parts of a laptop, a mobile phone and a wi-fi router spread out on a table in front of him.

    BBC: DR Congo mining fights to revive reputation

  • While Sall made herself busy in the kitchen, I would sit in the dining room with the paper spread out on the table, or I would listen to the radio, staring out at the garden and fiddling with the dials to get a better signal.

    NEWYORKER: The Cold Outside

  • He had brought out two large plastic bins filled with the artifacts of his research, and he spread the contents on the table: a metal octagonal disk, sketches on lab paper, a black plastic laser housing that served as the innards for one of his printers.

    NEWYORKER: Creation Myth

  • Since then, Germany has become a big provider of peacekeeping troops, with 7, 706 now spread over a dozen missions (see table).

    ECONOMIST: Germany's armed forces: Abroad, by inches | The

  • Released from its roost, the mechanical bird spread its tail and strutted across the imperial Easter table.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • We revisited this spread one week ago when the options player took profits off the table.

    FORBES: Bulls Board AMR, Bears Raid Metals & Miners

  • For all his frustrations, sulks and cancellations, a life spent bringing music to mankind was the greatest joy imaginable: singing, and then the crowd's adoration for his singing, as he jumped from the kitchen table and the cheese, the wine, the pasta and the sausages were lavishly spread before him.

    ECONOMIST: Luciano Pavarotti

  • Mr. Byron spread out sheets of construction paper and threw a bunch of markers on the table.

    WSJ: Facebook's New R&D Machine

  • Look around and you may see a coffee-table resting on a Greek capital, a tiny Roman mosaic sprucing up the foyer, a spread of Phoenician statuettes and Byzantine coins strewn along the bookshelves or a discreet Crusader cannon in the courtyard.

    ECONOMIST: A Phoenician statue for my coffee-table

  • They arrived early, spread a blanket on the grass, and waved at John, who was sitting at a picnic table, writing in his journal.

    NEWYORKER: The Science of Sex Abuse

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