• You can't show fatigue, you can't show terror, you can't show when you're torn up.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

  • "A colorblind person who can't see red can't see the red in purple he just sees blue, " says Dr. Neitz.

    WSJ: New Outlook for Colorblindness

  • And if companies can't borrow, they can't hire, they can't, you know, they put off investments, they cut back on expansions.

    NPR: U.S. Markets Wait Anxiously For Rescue Plan

  • "You can't get the support structure, you can't get qualified technical staff, and you certainly can't get investment, " says marketing manager Phil Ingram.


  • Ms. ANGELA KELLY (Deputy Director, National Immigration Forum): You can't bring your cousins, you can't bring your uncles, you can't bring your great grandparents.

    NPR: Immigration Plan Puts Price on Visa

  • You can't touch the screen (which I get), you can't touch the power button and you honestly can't do anything beyond starting and stopping a recording.

    ENGADGET: Mophie Outride review: action-cam case for iPhone can't replace dedicated shooters

  • Mr. MALLEY: Well, it's trying to show that it can't be ignored, it can't be pressured, and certainly it can't be dismantled as a militia in Lebanon.

    NPR: Israel-Hezbollah Conflict Redefining Region

  • But I can tell you, you can't, you really can't.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The reasoning: A minority owner lacks control of the asset, can't liquidate it, can't get income from it unless the business makes a distribution and can't sell it easily.

    WSJ: Family Value: New Hazards for Estate Plans

  • "When you can't make free throws, when you can't make 3-point shots, and you can't make shots in the paint, it's very hard to win, " Brooklyn interim coach P.

    WSJ: Wizards' climb continues with 89-74 win over Nets

  • We can't let the founders down, we can't let every generation that's come before us down, we can't let the Greatest Generation down, we can't let our children down.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Monica Crowley, Mightier Pen 2012

  • Governments don't have a monopoly on it, and we can't -- you can't judge the intentions of another country by looking at its force -- like by looking at its force posture.

    WHITEHOUSE: VP's Remarks to London Cyberspace Conference

  • There are those who will continue to tell us that we can't do this, that we can't have what we're looking for, that we can't have what we want, that we're peddling false hopes.

    CNN: Obama speech: 'Yes, we can change'

  • And if I can't put my fingers on it, if I can't touch it, and if I can't get up at 6:00 in the morning and go to work there, then it's not happening.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • So many people, families who can't afford health care, young people who can't afford college, seniors who can't afford to retire, it's like they are invisible to the President, like he's looked right through them.

    CNN: Clinton's September 17, 2007, speech on health care

  • "It's a math problem for me: We need to raise money and stop expenses and I can't believe we can't raise money in New York City, " said sophomore Diego Gonzalez, 19, a student council member and architecture student.

    WSJ: Famed free NYC college may start charging tuition

  • If the CIA director "can't move the chairs on the deck of the Titanic, can't set strategy, can't bring the subtleties of a judgment to the decision makers, then you've got to change the structure, " said Feinstein, an Intelligence Committee member.

    CNN: Pentagon's prewar intelligence role questioned

  • If anyone can Capello can - or rather if he can't then no-one can - was the popular view on whether the cultured Italian, who had one of the most distinguished managerial CV's in the business, could lead England to glory.

    BBC: How Capello has lifted England

  • If you want to show that we can stand up to these terrorists, that they can't frighten us, they can't affect us, that Americans are just too tough to be affected by that, well, then come to New York and make that point.

    CNN: Giuliani: 'We're going to get through this'

  • While he may have already capitulated to Union troops, she enlists the stalwart Confederate general of her imagination to fight one more losing battle with the new Southern male, a pallid spawn who can't shoot, can't hunt, can't fight, and can't play cards.

    ECONOMIST: American fiction (1): Cauterise | The

  • What they try and do is actually shrink - to use the ghastly phrase, deleverage - and when banks deleverage and when money isn't going to households and businesses those households and businesses can't spend, they can't invest and frankly the economy can't grow.

    BBC: The numbers of the year 2012

  • No-one should dictate to you to the point where you have to start going, when you go shopping, oh I can't buy this and I can't buy that, and I shouldn't buy this and I shouldn't buy that because my recycling bin is full up so I can't get anymore cardboard in it.


  • They can't get enough rebounds, can't get Dwyane Wade on track, can't get consistency out of Chris Bosh and will likely see all those story lines either grow exponentially or basically disappear Thursday night, when they host to the Indiana Pacers in Game 5 of a super-competitive Eastern Conference finals that's now knotted at two games apiece.

    NPR: Pacers, Heat Prepare For Crucial Game 5

  • Lady Liberty's presence and the towers' absence are a constant reminder that here in America we are resilient, we are courageous, we embrace all of our people, and that, when we face our challenges together, there is no barrier we can't overcome, no dream we can't realize, nothing we can't do if we just start acting like Americans again.

    CNN: Clinton will make 'no decisions tonight'

  • But as hard as it may seem, we cannot lose hope, because there are people all across this great nation who are counting on us, who can't afford another four years without health care, that can't afford another four years without good schools, that can't afford another four years without decent wages because our leaders couldn't come together and get it done.

    CNN: Obama speech: 'Yes, we can change'

  • "They are not going to have a vibrant economy if people can't use their cars, can't park when they want to go shopping - they'll go somewhere where they can park, " he said.

    BBC: Residence parking in Bristol

  • Even younger children who can't read can get excited if you link their favorite animals to the places you're visiting, such as crocodiles in Florida or bears in Alaska.

    CNN: Give children the gift of travel

  • Debt-protection services, which cover your credit-card bill when you can't, can help out if you become ill or lose your job, protecting your credit score, the Government Accountability Office said in a report last month.

    WSJ: Getting Going: The Financial Fear Mongers

  • Buying in January invariably means opening the checkbook for players other clubs can either do without, can't afford to keep or want to keep but can't prevent leaving.

    WSJ: European Soccer's Darkened Transfer Window

  • And the other thing we can't do is we can't effect what the media does.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: To the Rescue: The New Media & National Security

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