• The Tax Division of the Justice Department pursues injunctions in cases of this sort to try to stop the bleeding to the tax system from such schemes.

    FORBES: Decoding The Tax Law

  • In Europe I've seen countless mobile banking ideas over the last decade - from the soft drinks machine in Helsinki where you paid by SMS, to the phone which doubled as a travelcard for London's transport system, and innumerable schemes involving Near Field Communication (NFC) technology.

    BBC: Mobile money - has its moment come?

  • Mr Obama could usefully look to the Netherlands and Denmark for ideas on how to overhaul an antiquated unemployment system and improve its training schemes.

    ECONOMIST: Unemployment in the West

  • Both schemes are paid into by both employer and employees, and are final salary schemes - a system that gives a retiring worker a pension not only based on the number of years they have paid into the scheme, but on the amount they are earning when they retire.

    BBC: Pension cuts proposed for university staff

  • University of Chicago economist and author of the famous Freakonomics books, Steve Levitt spoke to Forbes on Thursday, sharing his views on the flawed incentive schemes in the healthcare system, the debt debate, and other topics such as Dominique Strauss-Kahn, prostitution, and business.

    FORBES: Freakonomics Author On Healthcare, Debt, And Prostitutes

  • Although the details are yet to be settled, the loans are expected to be used to set up a fund to cushion a dollarised Ecuador against economic shocks from abroad, to give subsidised loans to get businesses going again, to inject liquidity into a broken banking system, and to pay for schemes aimed at helping the poor.

    ECONOMIST: Ecuador

  • Medicare is not adept, like an HMO, at complex payment schemes such as this new system.

    FORBES: Medicare's New Plan To Punish Hospitals For Treating Expensive Patients Will Backfire

  • Fifth, private-sector firms can offer retirement schemes in competition with the public system.

    ECONOMIST: European practices

  • Past pricing schemes were out of sync with this value system.

    FORBES: Verizon Makes Wireless Pricing Rational

  • The new amendments will give the independent panel authority to push for changes across the entire health system, not just in Medicare, and successful pilot schemes could also be scaled up rapidly by administrative action, without going through Congress.

    ECONOMIST: Health-care reform

  • The international organized crime enterprise known as the Mirzoyan-Terdjanian fleeced the healthcare system through a wide range of money-making criminal fraud schemes.

    FORBES: Fed Bust of Nationwide Medicare Scam A Good Start

  • It is also entertaining various schemes to raise money for financing its health care system, such as curbing the tax deductibility of outlays that businesses make for their employees' health care.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Going back to voucherized Medicare: The real problem is that you cannot implement a very free-market type reform such as vouchers into a system that is so wracked with perverse incentives, cartelized price schemes, and opaque layers upon layers of bureaucracy and expect anything but an unmitigated disaster and increased inequity.

    FORBES: Paul Ryan��s Radical Budget

  • Two big, expensive schemes designed to reduce malnutrition a public distribution system (PDS) that provides subsidised food to the poor and a vast midday-meal scheme, to which 120m schoolchildren are signed up are hampered by inefficiency and corruption.

    ECONOMIST: Child malnutrition in India

  • The system will run from a boiler house in the village and organisers hope similar schemes will be established across Northumberland.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Tyne/Wear | Wood chips to fuel remote village

  • The supermarkets have already responded with several schemes which includes Tesco stores in Cardiff installing a mini-barrier system on its disabled car parking spaces.

    BBC: Van in a disabled space

  • Another change is also vital if young workers are to look forward to a decent retirement, for many of the corporate final-salary pension schemes, which did much to make up for the inadequacies of the state system, are now closed to new members.

    ECONOMIST: Pension prospects

  • She would undo most if not all of the "structural" reforms that have been put in place in recent years--mayoral control, performance-based pay, charter laws and other choice schemes, reliance on entrepreneurship and market incentives, federal efforts to incentivize and prod the system to change in constructive directions, testing- and results-based accountability and more.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This means governments will cut the contributions individuals are required to pay into the existing system, along with the benefits paid out, leaving individuals and their employers to contribute to privately funded schemes (usually made more attractive by tax carrots).

    ECONOMIST: Time is working against state pensions

  • In social housing, for example, we will extend choice-based lettings - which give council and housing association tenants a new service to identify locations and properties, in place of traditional schemes where tenants were simply allocated a property on the basis of a centrally-imposed points system.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services

  • All the legal constraints that had prevented use of sea-based systems in missile defense schemes disappeared, and engineers could begin thinking about exploiting the full operational potential of the Aegis combat system.

    FORBES: Missile Defense Becomes A Navy Mission

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