• Using the handle Flashboy, Ternovskiy soon mastered the art of the denial-of-service attack, wherein a target system is paralyzed by a mass of incoming communication requests.

    NEWYORKER: Roulette Russian

  • In addition to performing a wide range of maintenance procedures, the onboard communication system has been modernized to better handle the communications needs of this President and future Presidents.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • In other words, new threats are being developed using very sophisticated peer-to-peer programming tools that are targeting not just a certain class of customer or data, but a particular individual (say, a four-star general at the Pentagon) or a specific piece of data (such as the communication algorithms of a particular weapons system).

    FORBES: Connect

  • It will bring together the UN system in Senegal, the Ministry of Communication, the School of Journalism in Dakar (CESTI) and unions such as SYNPICS among others.


  • Its Private Electronic Remittance and Communication System handles large volumes of money remittances fast.

    CNN: The Asiaweek Financial 500

  • It is a major driver of faster communication channels and quicker system responses.

    FORBES: Explosive Growth in Flash Memory Enterprise Applications

  • The Internet, for example, offers a new information system, a new marketplace, a new form of communication and a new means of distribution.

    ECONOMIST: A thinkers’ guide | The

  • You don't get through those with some degree of success without a collaboration and good communication system.

    NPR: Chicago Lags in Homeland Security Report

  • Furthermore, the participants of seminar gave practical suggestions for improvement of scientific-research and educational potential of investigation and usage of underground water with an adoption of information and communication technologies, including geographical information system and present-day simulation methods and forecasting approach.


  • The previous attack involved a mast which formed part of Northern Ireland Electricity's (NIE) communication system.

    BBC: Phone mast is vandalised

  • The virtue of this system comes from the platform thinking behind its design an open communication system versus a portal and from the value it provides to users from the very beginning.

    FORBES: Learning Registry Looks to Give Educators the Resources They Need

  • Roy Thomas, of Kidney Wales, which is campaigning for an opt-out system, said better communication was needed with the public.

    BBC: Wales politics

  • The idea is to come up with ways to put networking and communication technologies, including the use of Internet, into running a battery system.

    FORBES: Energy Storage: It's All About The Software

  • But the Communication Workers Union (CWU) said the franchising system had cost "thousands" of post office jobs since it began five years ago.


  • The system is there to give Houston a direct communication link to the station in the early stages of construction (otherwise, everything must funnel through Mission Control outside Moscow).

    CNN: liftoff

  • Aides to Gov. Andrew Cuomo defended their efforts, denying that there were communication problems and pointing to the quick recovery of the region's transit system and rapid distribution of emergency supplies to hard-hit areas.

    WSJ: Poor Training Fueled Gas Shortage After Sandy

  • As part of this contract, Lockheed Martin will provide 12 THAAD weapon system launchers, 2 fire control and communication units, and related support equipment.

    FORBES: Lockheed's Flurry Of New Contracts Provides Short Term Support

  • In his ideal world, the regulators engage in dialogue with the industries they govern, using back and forth communication to create a system that mitigates risk while simultaneously allowing companies to find new ways of doing business.

    FORBES: The Catch-22 Of Regulating Innovation

  • For the first time, this new system will give our Nation's police officers and first responders a dedicated communication network in times of crisis helping fulfill our promise to provide these brave men and women with tools worthy of the sacrifices they make on our behalf.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • For all the billions of dollars being spent and collected online, the code at the core of e-commerce remains highly fragmented--and that creates communication breakdowns within the overall system.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As the passage implies, even something as seemingly simple as an airplane flying in the sky is actually just one part of a large sociotechnical system composed of various human and machine elements, from the pilot and airplane to a series of airports, communication and navigation systems, bureaucracies, regulations, rules and norms of flight, and more.

    FORBES: A Domain Like Cyberspace

  • The Expert Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation for South East Europe to convene on Thursday 22 November as a preparatory event to the round table will discuss the above-indicated STI system capacity in SEE and pay particular attention to the research infrastructures, statistical data, regional networks and communication of science.

    UNESCO: Bosnia and Herzegovina to host discussions towards the elaboration of a roadmap of science priorities in South East Europe | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

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