• Regular system and staff testing and preparation procedures are followed including system testing for effectiveness and data accuracy.

    FORBES: 5 Lessons From Hurricane Sandy For Emergency Preparedness

  • Thus, UBS failed to establish a reasonable supervisory system and written procedures to monitor the sale of Non-Traditional ETFs.

    FORBES: UBS To Pay Nearly Nearly $2 Million ETF Fine and Restitution

  • Increase the effectiveness of the reporting system and simplify procedures for financial intermediaries.

    FORBES: After FATCA, Swiss Government Tackles Money Laundering too

  • The company, which makes a surgical system for heart and urological procedures, beat the Street on profit, but missed on sales.

    FORBES: Carol Bartz Says Yahoo's Not Ready To Fly

  • The U.S. system, called Advanced Technology and Oceanic Procedures, or ATOP, was adapted by Lockheed Martin Corp. from a system developed in New Zealand (Australia's system was the other finalist).

    WSJ: How New Air-Traffic Control Systems Operate Over Oceans

  • The Army has made extensive efforts to keep soldiers out of the military justice system, relaxing enforcement procedures and otherwise softening military justice laws.

    FORBES: A Few Bad Men

  • Costa Cruises has been informed that today at 10:39, Italian time, a fire developed on board Costa Allegra in the engine room, the local electric generators located at the stern. procedures and the system of fire board were promptly activated and the special brigades of the board have occurred, the fire was extinguished and did not extend to any other area of the ship.

    FORBES: Fire Breaks Out on Costa Cruise Ship, Vessel Adrift in Indian Ocean

  • The banks' system of back-ups, capital buffers and procedures does indeed seem robust.

    ECONOMIST: Open wider | The

  • Its legislative system comprises a body of principles, procedures and rites that govern the social and spiritual conduct of the community.

    UNESCO: Culture

  • Its LaserSmile system uses a laser to perform soft tissue and cosmetic procedures, including teeth whitening.

    FORBES: Biolase Smiles Again

  • Roberta Gianfortoni, a dean at the Harvard School of Public Health, has visited Cuba to tour its medical system and says doctors there know how to do many procedures but that doesn't mean those procedures are actually available.

    FORBES: Sicko's Shortcuts

  • "This is a new system and it is therefore inevitable that it will take time for practitioners to become familiar with the new materials and procedures, " said a Welsh government spokesperson.

    BBC: NUT attacks Leighton Andrews over increased workloads

  • The report argues that knee-jerk responses to past tragedies have led to a defensive child protection system that tries to prevent mistakes by setting performance indicators and procedures for what needs to happen.

    BBC: Analysis: Less heat, more light on child protection

  • But what tech czar Kendall sees is that cyber threats morph too fast for the deliberative procedures of the current military development system, and they hopscotch across geographical and bureaucratic boundaries in a way that no conventional law-enforcement agency could match.

    FORBES: Pentagon Tech Chief Points To Big Problem In Protecting Networks

  • The broader healthcare system needs to mirror data availability for plastic surgery and lasik eye procedures.

    FORBES: On Healthcare, Jon Stewart Swings For The Fences But Misses

  • Our fee for service system rewards doctors for seeing more patients, doing more procedures and prescribing more drugs.

    FORBES: How to Heal the Healthcare System

  • He argues that in the current system, financed mostly by employers and the government, too many procedures are covered, thus driving up costs.

    NEWYORKER: Mayberry Man

  • "Any voting system is dependent on its user following the proper operating procedures and, in this case, Horry County election officials missed a step, " he says.

    NPR: Several States Abandon Electronic Voting for Paper

  • It prompted his successor, John Reid, to declare parts of the system "not fit for purpose" and led to an overhaul of procedures.

    BBC: Deportation delays 'costing ?10m'

  • We make perjury, subornation of perjury, obstruction of justice and witness tampering crimes because a judicial system can only succeed if its procedures expose the truth.

    CNN: Transcript: House Judiciary Committee

  • Each activation of the system, whether real or simulated, is an opportunity to identify weaknesses and revise procedures.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Independent system operators in Texas, California, and the Midwest have been creating policy, procedures, pricing, and other mechanisms to support storage services.

    FORBES: Energy Storage Critical to Solar Industry

  • Any legal or normative system which is not articulated and enforced within a political structure of codified laws, procedures, courts, binding legal opinions providing precedence, and effective enforcement mechanisms will, by definition, lack Transparency.


  • After a brief interview with the car owner and an even briefer interview with some people at Uber I was given a small packet of information regarding ubers operating procedures, how the payment system works etc, given an iphone and sent on my way.

    FORBES: What Is It Like To Drive For Uber?

  • What Segal, Zelt and other Canadian officials underscore is that their government-run system is driven by the value of the care and that the quantity of tests and procedures don't necessarily equal quality.

    CNN: Reality check: Canada's government health care system

  • If spending more on health care has no correlation with making people healthier, then there must be enormous savings that a smart government, by determining precisely which medical procedures are worth financing and which are not, could wring out of the system.

    NEWYORKER: Money Talks

  • The consequence is the system we have, with plenty of individual transactions procedures, tests, specialist consultations and uncertain attention to how the patient ultimately fares.

    NEWYORKER: Big Med

  • In addition to performing a wide range of maintenance procedures, the onboard communication system has been modernized to better handle the communications needs of this President and future Presidents.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

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