• By supplying algorithms to balance all the variables of a supply chain, such as product prices, stock levels and customer demand, they are following in the footsteps of i2, the market leader in supply-chain management.

    ECONOMIST: Chain reaction

  • Apple has been an industry leader in both supply chain management and making corporate social responsibility a priority.

    FORBES: Should Apple Make a Conflict Minerals Free iPhone?

  • "Whether it was an attack against a supply convoy or a terrorist leader, it's not particularly surprising, " senior Brookings fellow Michael O'Hanlon said.

    CNN: Israeli jets strike convoy along Syrian border

  • Another customer of ours is Emerson, a global leader in electric power supply.

    FORBES: Nanotech Meets Computer Memory

  • They have, of course, produced a steady supply of scandalous scuttlebutt, including an alcoholic leader, who was forced to resign in January, and two leadership candidates of ambiguous sexual orientation.

    ECONOMIST: Liberal Democrats

  • And this only builds on the work of your governor, who has endeavored to make Massachusetts a clean energy leader -- from increasing the supply of renewable electricity, to quadrupling solar capacity, to tripling the commonwealth's investment in energy efficiency, all of which helps to draw new jobs and new industries. (Applause.) That's worth applause.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Pushes Clean Energy

  • "The government will train and supply the required manpower to them, " says opposition leader Chatterjee.

    FORBES: India

  • As the unrivaled global technology leader, Apple needs to step up its pressure on Foxconn and raise its supply chain standards to remedy labor injustices.

    CNN: Apple, consumers must urge worker justice

  • Delegation leader Zhang Zijun and Bizwayo Nkunika, the permanent secretary in Zambia's ministry of works and supply, signed on behalf of the two governments.

    BBC: Teams might train in the stadium ahead of the 2010 World Cup

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