• After all, developed economies that are big commodity exporters, such as Norway, allow their currencies to float.

    ECONOMIST: The dollar

  • In other countries, such as Norway and Germany, parties have introduced their own quotas (of up to 40%) for women.

    ECONOMIST: France

  • It vanished in countries such as Norway and Sweden, where the sexes are more or less on a par with one another.

    ECONOMIST: Education and sex

  • This approach has proved extremely effective in other countries such as Norway.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Smoking curbs - Business view

  • Some countries, such as Norway and Denmark, never reached that exalted state.

    FORBES: Growing Federal Debt Threatens To Strangle Recovery

  • The targeted gas facility is run by Algeria's state oil company, in cooperation with foreign firms such as Norway's Statoil and Britain's BP.


  • Confronted with possible drops in domestic cod supply, industry analysts say U.S. consumers will likely look elsewhere, importing more from other countries such as Norway and Canada.


  • Savings funds, such as Norway's Government Pension Fund, transfer resource wealth across generations by building portfolios that aim to provide returns long after the oil has run dry.

    ECONOMIST: Commodities

  • The plant is run by Algeria's state oil company, in cooperation with foreign firms such as Norway's Statoil and Britain's BP -- and as such, employed workers from several foreign countries.


  • The plant in eastern Algeria is run by the state oil company, in cooperation with foreign firms such as Norway's Statoil and Britain's BP -- and as such, employed workers from several foreign countries.


  • Rich signatories, such as Norway, Spain and Italy, have agreed to provide the rest of the funds within five years, and according to Dr Bhatti the U.S. has expressed a desire to sign up after disinterest during the Bush administration.

    CNN: Feeding the future: Saving agricultural biodiversity

  • Just as Northern European countries such as Iceland and Norway have raised the age of retirement, so must every prospering economy.

    WSJ: Sri Mulyani Indrawati: What Europe's Mistakes Teach Asia

  • OPEC's moment of triumph could arrive sooner if it persuades producers such as Russia, Norway, and Mexico to continue to restrain their output.


  • In countries that are good at commercialising new ideas, such as America and Norway, even newly founded firms coin valuable intellectual property (see chart).

    ECONOMIST: Promoting innovation

  • On the right, the assumption is that the British public would prefer a loose trading association with the EU, such as Switzerland or Norway enjoy.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot: English for Schadenfreude | The

  • Judging by the experience of other rich countries that have suffered financial crises spawned by housing busts, such as Sweden and Norway in the early 1990s, weak balance sheets will weigh on consumers' spending for years rather than months.

    ECONOMIST: The world economy

  • It also means that Aberdeen benchmarks itself not against other British cities, but against other oil cities, such as Stavanger in Norway, and frets that its infrastructure is way behind these rivals in the race for oil industry investment.

    ECONOMIST: The wealth effect

  • A123 secured contracts to sell batteries to electric car makers such as Think Global from Norway and California-based Fisker.

    FORBES: China's Wanxiang Wins Deal To Scoop Up Troubled Battery Maker A123 Systems

  • We're already seeing that in large sovereign-wealth funds, such as the decision by Norway's oil fund to adopt a GDP-weighted bond portfolio that ramps up the exposures to emerging markets.

    WSJ: Pimco's Guiding Asia-Pacific's Investor Evolution: Ki Myung Hong

  • The ARRC is multinational in nature and comprises troops from the UK as well as such nations as Canada, Germany, Italy, Norway, Turkey, and the United States.

    BBC: ARRC troops to be welcomed home in Tewkesbury parade

  • Overall, emerging market countries have a disproportional share of natural resource wealth (although exceptions exist, such as Australia, Canada and Norway).

    FORBES: Resource Drivers

  • For those interested in base jumping, Khan recommends beginning with skydiving, then travelling to jumping points via tour groups such as Stevanger Base Klubb in Norway.

    BBC: Base jumping: The serene side we��ve never seen

  • Initial offers of sanctuary from such countries as Germany, Austria, Norway, Greece, Romania and Turkey, which each offered to take in more than 5, 000 refugees, have yet to be fully taken up.

    ECONOMIST: The great exodus

  • This is a pipe-dream, if only because NATO's membership includes such non-EU countries as Canada, Norway and Turkey.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • A. The countries that did not join the euro, such as Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway are still enjoying good economic growth.

    FORBES: Asia's Richest Man Li Ka-shing Discusses Tech, China And The World Economy

  • Other countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Norway and the United Kingdom are also taking pro-active steps to tackle greenwashing claims through a variety of regulatory, legislative and enforcement efforts.

    FORBES: "Greenwashing": Deceptive Business Claims of "Eco-Friendliness"

  • The maths study examined the availability of resources at home - such as books - with pupils in South Korea, Norway, Sweden and the US being the best equipped.

    BBC: Asians top of school tables - England in maths top 10

  • Also competing were two examples of the 12-meter class that dominated the America's Cup competition in the decades after World War II and an entire fleet of 6-meters--aristocratic racing machines that have been the favorites of such yachtsmen as the kings of Spain, Denmark and Norway.

    FORBES: Old Gaffers

  • In public buildings, such as the Kilden Theater and Concert Hall in Kristiansand in Norway wooden surfaces have been cleverly used for psychological effects.

    CNN: Spectacular forms in wood

  • The U.S. already spends more on high school education than any advanced society except Switzerland and Norway, and considerably more than such egalitarian societies as Austria and Denmark.

    CNN: A good start to reviving the middle class

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