• It also gives the data subject reasonable access to personal data to review and possibly correct it.

    CNN: EU rejects U.S. data privacy protection as inadequate

  • Finally, and taking advantage of the large number of experts present, there will be a side meeting of the first MINEPS V working group on the subject of access to sport for all.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Sensitive Compartmented Information is information that not only is classified for national security reasons as Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential, but also is subject to special access and handling requirements because it involves or derives from particularly sensitive intelligence sources and methods.


  • The FCC also pointed out that approximately 30 cable-affiliated, national networks and 14 cable-affiliated RSNs are subject to program-access merger conditions adopted in the Comcast-NBCU Order until January 2018.

    FORBES: Program Access Reform at the FCC: Are Exclusive Programming Deals a Good Thing?

  • What's more, Capellas has ratcheted up pressure on rivals this year by migrating 10% of MCI's phone calls from old circuit-switched networks--subject to those antiquated access fees--to the Internet, which is free of them.

    FORBES: Screaming Match

  • And, finally, the Liberal Democrat Lord Greaves raises the issue of coastal access in England - a subject he pursued in the last Parliament, during the passage of the Marine and Coastal Access Act.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • He dresses as beggars, watchmen and drivers to gain access to a subject's house and life.

    BBC: India's 'wedding detectives' enjoy booming trade

  • Both the Yorkshire property and the Yonder Lea property had zoning for quarter-acre lots, but use of that development right was subject to the creation of an access road satisfactory to the Town of Warrenton.

    FORBES: Would Be Developer Tripped Up By Interest Tracing Rules

  • The free market at work, parents can readily access almost any curricula, subject matter or activity.

    FORBES: Want To Tell The State To Stick It? Homeschool Your Kids

  • Currently, private enterprises are subject to many discriminatory practices, including poor access to bank loans and lack of legal protection.

    CNN: A New, Slimmer Government

  • They organized a 15-member committee, the Committee on HIV Screening and Access to Care which consisted of subject matter experts that planned a series of workshops and are developing three reports.

    WHITEHOUSE: Health Care Blog | The White House

  • And the August issue of Time Out New York Kids allows readers to use their smartphones to access a video of the cover subject, the chorus from Public School 22 in Staten Island.

    FORBES: Magazines Dive Into Augmented Reality

  • What they will probably get if anything is a low-bandwidth, expensive to access Internet that will still be subject to censorship and easily shut down if some angry nation or bad guy hacker decides to.

    FORBES: 'Star Wars' Meets SOPA In Hacker Space Program

  • They will be given greater autonomy, automatic access to additional funding and will be subject to less inspection.

    BBC: Variations in care targeted

  • Yet despite the law's failure to keep many open gays out, the ban's persistence means that gay troops are subject to random dismissals and are often unable to access military support services for fear of being found out and fired.

    CNN: Commentary: Allow gays to serve openly in military

  • The memorandum also directs agencies, under the direction of the NDC, to take steps to eliminate the backlog of more than 400 million pages of accessioned Federal records previously subject to automatic declassification in order to permit public access to these records no later than December 31, 2013.

    WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

  • The rules on reasonable accommodations shall allow news media all necessary access to conduct journalism at such events, subject to reasonable limitations for public safety, available space, and the right of the general public to attend such events.

    FORBES: South Dakota To Ban Public Schools From Selling Exclusive Sports Broadcast Rights

  • Beyond Nicosia, the Eastern Mediterranean gas issue has been the subject of increasingly tense interactions about conflicting maritime claims and access to what, in a politically less charged world, could offer energy independence of some sort to much of the region for years to come.

    FORBES: EU Sets Sites on Eastern Med Gas Plans

  • They could maintain their free range status subject to a number of conditions including having adequate space and access to daylight, he said.

    BBC: Chicken roast dinner

  • Mexican trucking firms would be subject to on-site inspections before their trucks are allowed access to American highways, and trucks would be inspected every 90 days.

    CNN: Congress poised to put safeguards on Mexican trucks

  • However Flintshire's head of planning, Declan Beggan, recommended that outline planning approval be granted for the latest scheme, subject to various conditions which include landscaping requirements and a single access point from the B5122 road.

    BBC: Flintshire A55 truck stop plans are rejected

  • However, Flintshire's head of planning, Declan Beggan recommends in a report that outline planning approval be granted for the latest scheme, subject to various conditions which include landscaping requirements and a single access point from the B5122 road.

    BBC: Flintshire council defers A55 truck stop decision

  • They lack access to everything from education to prenatal care and are subject to exceptionally high levels of domestic violence.

    CNN: On the Road Back

  • It is only right that all schools should be subject to the same rigorous process to ensure every child has fair access to a good education.

    BBC: School admissions appeals may not be fair, says watchdog

  • Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 above, public entertainments may be subject by law to prior censorship for the sole purpose of regulating access to them for the moral protection of childhood and adolescence.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • "Today, as part of the president's ongoing commitment to consult with Congress on national security matters, the president directed the Department of Justice to provide the congressional Intelligence committees access to classified Office of Legal Counsel advice related to the subject of the Department of Justice White Paper, " an administration official said.

    CNN: Obama to give white paper on targeted killings to Congress

  • "Today, as part of the president's ongoing commitment to consult with Congress on national security matters, the president directed the Department of Justice to provide the Congressional intelligence committees access to classified Office of Legal Counsel advice related to the subject of the Department of Justice white paper, " an administration official said Wednesday.

    CNN: Obama to release document on targeted killings to Congress

  • Subject to local rules and regulations, OnLive Player Tags will give OnLive members access to their OnLive account anywhere in the world that OnLive is available.

    ENGADGET: OnLive crosses the pond, lands in the UK September 22nd

  • Network owners say that gives them less reason to upgrade their networks, content providers say many of those network owners rely on access to public rights of way or spectrum--making them subject to regulation.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He was released again on 1 April this year and made subject to an order which banned him from owning any electrical equipment that allowed him access to the internet.

    BBC: Sex offender Alistair Findlay jailed over web breach

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