• There are a variety of reasons as to this and some of them are benign, such as raised costs now because more people want new procedures, but administrative costs, paperwork, perverse incentives, all kinds of structural things are wrong with the system that have to be fixed.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As I wrote in my earlier blog, the IFS and pretty much every other economic forecaster expected the OBR to raise its estimate of the structural current deficit, given what we knew about the way they forecast these things.

    BBC: The Bank, the OBR and Mr Osborne

  • But what we also have to understand is that if I take all the steps that I've put forward and Congress follows my lead on the non-defense discretionary spending, we're prudent in terms of defense spending, and we do all the things that we've talked about, we've still got this structural deficit that we've inherited.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats

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