• You could use both controllers to grab a 2-D plane like an image and stretch it out, or place it in different positions in the virtual 3-D space.

    FORBES: Sony's PlayStation Move: Deep In The Heart Of Sony's R&D Lab

  • The U.S. and the world went into a deep recession in the early 1930s, but it took the protectionist Taft-Hartley bill to stretch it out into a prolonged depression.

    FORBES: Ugly Choices Ahead For Central Bankers: Will The Yen Drop 50%?

  • It could stretch out before her like an eternity if she has the will, or it could evaporate in a single moment.

    NEWYORKER: Playdate

  • As Boeing keeps making larger and larger aircraft, it may decide to stretch out the 737 and if it does, Brazilian jet maker Embraer could move in to fill in the gap for aircraft with 115 to 140 seats.

    FORBES: Will Embraer Move in Where Boeing Moves Out?

  • Moreover, Mr. Scott adds, it is easier to plan to make a retirement nest egg last until these payments begin than it is to figure out how to stretch it over an uncertain lifetime.

    WSJ: Should You Buy 'Longevity' Insurance?

  • It might stretch out its depreciation schedule, or lower the reserve for bad debts, or neglect to expense the options.

    FORBES: Beware Blowhards

  • Valbuena tried to stretch it into a triple and was thrown out at third, injuring the pinky on his right (throwing) hand in the process.

    NPR: Strasburg Drops To 1-5 As Cubs Beat Nationals 8-2

  • Months of picnics, outdoor shows and wine-sodden nights in summertime finery (or, at the very least, jean shorts and well-worn wife beaters -- however it is you roll) stretch out before you.

    CNN: Three niche dating sites for targeted romance

  • For example, it's easier for heirs to stretch out the tax deferral on your IRAs if they inherit them directly.

    FORBES: Estate Repair

  • This year, it also gives us an excuse to stretch out St.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • But it would certainly make a nervous Europe stretch out a pleading hand to the United States, as this newly aggressive Russia poked its finger into the Baltic area, the Balkans and the explosive region where Europe meets Muslim south-west Asia.

    ECONOMIST: Weathering the storm

  • It's possible that as life spans stretch out, the gains will be in sickly years.

    FORBES: Ideas & Opinions

  • You can let the Roth IRA sit untouched, growing tax free, and then leave it to your heirs, who are allowed to stretch out withdrawals (if they want to) over their own lifetimes, enjoying decades of extra tax-free growth.

    FORBES: Is A Roth 401(k) Right For You?

  • Even the beach is not what it seems: the coral reefs stretch from the shore far out to sea, and although Egyptian laws protecting the reefs are regularly violated by developers who bulldoze their way through reefs, tourists may find they have to pick their way for some distance over the delicate sharp reefs, damaging both them and their feet, to find deep water.

    ECONOMIST: For a tourist, Egypt can be either

  • Under the new regs, it is vastly easier for taxpayers to set up "stretch-out" IRAs which were uncovered and named by Forbes in 1990 that live long after the owner dies.

    FORBES: Gift Horse

  • It turns out that Allstate Insurance Company has an endorsement product to stretch payments over time even if the company paying the athlete wants a one-time or one-year deal.

    FORBES: And Now For Olympic Endorsement Deals...

  • And when it comes to blow dries, most schedule two during the week and stretch out the time in between with the prudent use of various styling tools and dry shampoo.

    WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: How to Dress Like a New Yorker

  • So if the dentist doesn't need the money, he can leave it growing tax free for his kids and grandkids, who can then stretch out tax-free withdrawals over their own life expectancies.

    FORBES: Which One To Pick First

  • Stretch back a while and of course, the Iraq war and the way that it played out.

    NPR: Role of U.S. Changing in New World Order

  • Without troops from elsewhere, it will either have to reduce numbers, activate more National Guard units or stretch out tours of duty beyond one year.

    ECONOMIST: America and the United Nations

  • We helped each other out along the way, and Tiger played great coming down the stretch as always and it was a good day.

    CNN: U.S. retain Presidents Cup lead

  • The mayor was also hurt during the home stretch of the campaign when Ralston Purina, a giant food corporation, an nounced it was thinking of moving out of the city, and when the only public hospital in the region said it would close this summer because the city had failed to contribute its share of the budget.

    ECONOMIST: The St Louis mayor's race

  • "It's been a rough stretch for us on this road trip, a lot of guys in and out of the lineup, " Thomas said.

    WSJ: Smith lifts short-handed Knicks past Jazz, 90-83

  • At the other, the White House would merely let heirs to family-owned farms and businesses stretch out payments over 14 years, as now, but defer more tax and pay lower interest on it.

    CNN: Death And Lower Taxes

  • That is as much due to the fact that I like to stretch my legs and have easy access to the restrooms, as it is that I like to be the first person out of my seat when the captain turns off the seatbelt sign.

    FORBES: Who Chooses the Middle Seat?

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